Brave Soldier, you will never be forgotten *tear falls*

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Scenario: The gang are having a sleepover at the Sky Joker.

Akai: You silly humans with your 'sleepovers' or whatever.

Akai: What are we even supposed to do other than sleep?

Joker: Uh, we'll play games?


Akai, his eyes now holding stars: 🤩

Roko: Now that I think about it, this will be our first sleepover in a long time, huh?

Queen: Yep! Kind of exciting to do these again!

Rose: It's the first time brother and I will actually have a proper one!

Shadow: Tch. the one's we had by ourselves were enough.

Rose: It was getting boring with just the two of us, brother...

Hachi: Wait.

Hachi: Where's Mr. Spade and Ai?

Joker, looking around the room: Weren't they just here a while ago?

Akai: Just leave them be and let's start playing some games!

They all agreed that was a good idea and they started playing a multitude of games until one by one, they all started to feel hungry.

Queen: We can all agree that we're hungry, so now it's time to choose the soldier that will go to the kitchen and get the snacks.

Joker, cup in hand with popsicle sticks: Choose one of the popsicle sticks and if you have a 'you're it', well, I think it's self-explanatory.

All of them: *choose a popsicle stick and look at it*

Shadow: What the he-

Shadow: You know what?

Shadow: The faster I go then the faster I'll come back.

Joker, looking out the room into the living room: True, but I found Spade and Ai, and I don't think you'll like it when I tell you that they're having one of their 'talks' in the living room right now.


Shadow: WHAT-

Rose: My brother can't go, he's too allergic to romance to survive!

Shadow: Rose...

Roko: I feel like he might actually die if he goes-

Hachi: It sounds crazy, but knowing Mr. Shadow its certainly a possibility.

Akai: Okay, he might die, but can he just hurry up faster?

Akai: I'm hungry.

Shadow: Frick you, spicy turkey.

Joker: You know what?

Joker: My stomach can't handle this any longer.

Joker: I'll just g-

Shadow, squaring his shoulders: No, I'll go.

Queen: Are you sure?-

Shadow: *scoffs*

Shadow: Dont underestimate my will to die.

Queen: Uh, okay, I guess.

Rose, teary-eyed: Brother, you will not be forgotten!

Shadow: *salutes to them all*

All of them: *salute back, Rose holding in her tears while the others hold a determined look, and then there's Akai with a tissue and dramatically wiping some tears away*

Shadow: It's time.

Shadow, stepping out of the room: *takes a deep breath*

Shadow, walking slowly: I can do this-

Spade: Ai, never forget that you're the sweetness in my life-

Ai, with hearts in her eyes: Mr. Spade-

Shadow: OH MY GOD-

The others having heard his scream: *wipe tears away* We have lost a brave soldier.

Akai: Well, who's going to get the snacks now?

Akai: Guys?

Akai: Why are you all suddenly sleeping?

Akai: gUyS?!-

Guess who's going to get the snacks now? 😌

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