Plain as day

240 18 10

Spade, looking at Queen and Joker: Wow, love sure can be blind.

Ai: What makes you say that, Mr. Spade?

Spade: Look at them! They obviously feel something for each other!

Ai, wearing a shirt with 'I love you, Mr. Spade' written on it:

Ai: Yeah.

Ai: Love sure is blind.


Shadow, having witnessed everything: Amazing.

Shadow: He suddenly turned into Jared.

Shadow: 19 and doesn't know how to fricking read.

Okay, I just wrote this because I had it on my mind all morning. Welp, now I'm going back to studying for my Chemistry test tomorrow and my Geometry test for Thursday *insert an 'I'm going to die emoji' as I dance terribly and fall off a cliff*

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