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"Dude, you're literally going to meet my daughter. Don't wear a muscle-T," Liz's scolding booms from the speakers of his phone.

Avan rolls his eyes before walking away from his window for what felt like the millionth time that day. She had insisted that she had to check what outfit he was going to wear to meet with her dog. Liz claimed that Lucy is the love of her life and only deserved to see the best side of people.

If he was being honest to himself, Avan didn't feel much excitement about meeting her dog. He only wants to spend time with her, but she seemed so excited about her dog. Liz was overzealous to reunite with her dog and her little sister; so, who was he to deprive her of that joy?

So even if it was tiresome and tedious, not to mention ridiculous, to change his clothes so many times just to meet a dog, Avan didn't mutter a single complain.

"Can't I just wear a normal white T-shirt please?" he begs into his phone while he rummaged through his closet.

"Only if it's made from the finest cotton in the whole world."

"I have a vertically striped black polo."

"That might work. Put it on and show me."

"Yes, boss," he sniggers.

He hurriedly grabs the polo and puts it on, fumbling clumsily with the buttons. His light jeans complemented his top well in his own standard, but he still walks to his window and shows Liz.

From the other building, Liz eyes him intently before nodding subtly.

"That'll do. Now, hurry and meet me downstairs or I'm leaving without you."

She drops the call and draws her curtains so he no longer saw her. Avan draws his curtains as well before grabbing his necessities— his keys, phone, and wallet— and bolted out his door. As soon as he stepped out of the elevator, he jogs across the street to meet Liz who had her arms cross with impatience.

Avan had to fight off the strong urge to kiss her cheeks when he saw how pink they were from being exposed to the sun.

"Late like always," she shakes her head.

"You're just early," he retorts.

"Y'know, I used to enjoy it when you talk back."

Liz flags down a cab and Avan opens the door for her before she could reach out for the handle. She rolls her eyes in amusement before muttering a quick thank you and stepping into the vehicle.

"Central Park," she tells the driver.

The cool air from the air conditioner sent a shiver down Avan's spine. He scoots an inch closer to Liz to feel her body warmth. She notices the shift and eyes him quizzically before moving away.

"Not too close, weirdo."

"Okay," he nods to hide the blush that crawled onto his cheeks.

To avoid the chances of worsening the awkwardness, Avan stares out the window of the cab. He kept his attention on the ever changing view it had to offer. The brown of his eyes juxtaposed the greens and grays of the urban view before him. Slowly, trees came into his view and buildings became far-off creatures as they approached the green grasses of Central Park.

Liz and Avan split the fare of the cab and again, he holds the door open for her as she exits. She breathes in deeply to fill her lungs to their maximum capacity before exhaling on the letter S, almost like she was doing a breathing exercise before vocalizing.

"You okay?"

She nods, "Let's go look for my kid."

He only agrees by following behind her as she walked ahead of him. Her strides were long, clearly excited to see her dog again. Her head turned from side to side every now and then before she gasps loudly.

In Time//ElavanWhere stories live. Discover now