6; Hot Chocolate Kind of Guy

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It was Daisy's first day at her new job with the small café closer into town. She was extremely nervous and when Daisy gets nervous, she gets fidgety, and when Daisy gets fidgety, Liv gets annoyed.
"Fucking stop," Liv sighed, annoyed as the two girls sat in the kitchen eating their cereal, Daisy had been banging her spoon against the edge of the bowl for the last two minutes and Liv finally snapped. Daisy huffed and hurried upstairs to get ready for her day. She brushed through her long hair and threw it up into a high pony tail, she wasn't one for makeup so she left her face bare. The uniform requirements for work was black, which Daisy was fine with because that's what she wore on a daily basis. She threw on her black skinny jeans and a black v- neck t shirt, thankfully it had been a week since the incident with Harry, and nothing further has happened, so the purple hickeys- that she somehow managed to keep hidden from Liv- had healed over.


Daisy had gotten through the first day easily, the customers were somewhat polite and it wasn't that busy. Her second day was worse, it was Thursday and all the customers just wanted their weeks to end, so they were a little more impatient with Daisy and her co- workers, returning every coffee that was little too strong, a little too bitter, or a little too sweet. Daisy was pleased it was Friday, Liv and her had no plans and she was happy to just go home and sleep.

The doorbell above the door rang as she stood at the counter going through receipts. She didn't look up but she pulled the marker out from the drawer and pressed it against the aluminium bench to write down the customer's order,
"Hi, how may I help you?" Daisy asked putting on her best interested voice on, she looked up to see Harry standing there, his hands deep in his trench coat, beanie pulled over his ears and cheeks flushed from the cold. "Oh, hi," She blushed, putting the cap back on the marker,
"You look nice," he smirked looking down at her attire, her apron was tied around her waist with chocolate powder sprinkled over it,
"Thanks," She laughed slightly, "You too," Daisy gestured towards Harry. He nodded, smiling down at his outfit,
"Thanks," They both awkwardly stood opposite each other, smiling down at their feet, occasionally looking up at one another.
"Oh, uh, do you want a drink?" Daisy fumbled her words pulling the pen back out,
"Yeah, can I grab a hot chocolate?" Harry asked, Daisy scoffed slightly at his order, "What?" He asked,
"I just never pictured you as a hot chocolate kind of guy," Daisy remarked, beginning to make Harry's drink.
"I never pictured you as a I judge people on what they drink kind of girl," Harry rebutted, smiling slightly,
"Never said I was judging you, Styles," Daisy smiled up at him, he smiled back, his dimples deep in his cheeks. The drink began to slowly pour out into the takeaway cup as the two of them stood there,
"Do you want to catch up tonight?" Harry asked suddenly,
"Like last time?" Daisy asked, Harry blushed slightly,
"Yeah, just like last time,"
"Sounds great," Daisy grinned, giving Harry his cup of hot chocolate, he picked it up, immediately holding the warm beverage close to his body,
"I have to pay," Harry said pulling his wallet out of his pocket, she shook her head.
"It's on me," Daisy said wiping down the bench, ridding it of the chocolate powder. She watched as Harry said thankyou and walked out of the café, smiling at Daisy slightly as he walked down the street.


"Honey, I'm home!" Liv called through the house once she got home, the usual greeting travelling with them from Australia. Daisy was sitting down in the kitchen on her phone while holding a hot cup of coffee, still in her work clothes, Liv walked in after placing her bag next to the door.
"Hey," Daisy smirked, "How was work?" Liv smiled, it was already a different response from the last four days,
"Yeah, not too bad," She looked down smiling, Daisy was happy that her best friend was happy at her job, "How was the café?"
"Yeah, not too bad," She copied Liv who just rolled her eyes.
"Well, if you're up for it. I was invited to a work friend's house tonight for a Disney marathon. You want to come?" Daisy's eyes brightened up at the idea of a Disney marathon, Liv and Daisy had been planning to do it for years, but have never gotten around to it. She let out a few light squeals while nodding her head. Liv informed Daisy that they have to be there in an hour and they went upstairs to get ready for the night ahead.

< Messages (1) Harry

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Fri, 5 Dec 04: 36 pm

04:36 pm

Hey Harry. I'm so sorry Liv had plans for us that I didn't know about, I'll have to cancel tonight, maybe another night?

04:40 pm

Of course, Daisy. How does Saturday sound?

04:46 pm

Sounds great. See you soon.

Daisy drove while Liv gave directions to Liv's new friend's house. They pulled out in front of the two storey flat, the rain was starting to spit down on them and they were glad that they were spending the night inside. They quickly jogged to the front door together and knocked on it three times, the door slowly swung open, there stood a girl with lilac purple hair up in a bun on the top of her head and a rather large smile,
"Hi," She waved, Liv spoke up,
"Hey, Elly, this is Daisy," Liv said pointing at Daisy who was smiling quite largely at Elly. Daisy and Elly introduced themselves to each other, and Elly invited them in. The flat was rather large and open, the big French windows letting in a generous amount of light into the room and the white marble stairs going upstairs, which was open as well, only held back by a glass balcony. There were unfamiliar blond and brown haired girls sitting on the couch, Liv had recognized the brown haired girl from work, but the blond one was like a distant face that they both knew from somewhere.
"Oh, Liv, Daisy, this is Perrie and Danielle." Elly invited the girls to the others and they all smiled warmly and greeted each other, but they were interrupted quickly when a boy with brown hair walked down the stairs, tattoos inked on his arms and wearing a football (or soccer) jersey. Both Liv and Daisy thought he was pretty good-looking. He ended up being Elly's boyfriend, Louis, and Liv and Daisy immediately felt bad for thinking he was attractive.

The night, for Daisy, was filled with getting to know each other, gossiping, laughing, drinking, eating and thinking about the boy she cancelled on. She felt bad, but making new friendships with these girls were definitely worth it, she found it hard to admit that to herself. Perrie and her had sat next to each other through out the Disney films and drunkenly sung along together to all of the songs. Daisy was the first to pass out, she fell asleep on Perrie's shoulder and shortly one by one, the other girls had fallen asleep as well.


Daisy felt a large blow to her stomach and a harsh pain to her back which snapped her out of her sleep, she saw Elly and Liv standing around her laughing,
"Alright, alright, I'm up," She groggily moaned flying her arms around. The girl's laughing had died down and there was peacefulness for about three seconds until more talking, laughing and yelling sounded from outside the front door. Liv and Elly had diverted their attention elsewhere so Daisy took this as her chance to go back to sleep.

Someone's obnoxiously loud voice made Daisy stir in her sleep, but it wasn't long until she opened her eyes, Dani had gently smiled at her and handed her a small hand held mirror, Daisy gave her a confused look while taking the mirror in her hands. She took a look at her reflection and let out an ear piercing scream, Daisy bolted to her feet and began to yell at the girls,
"What have you done! I'm never sleeping around you guys again!" She quickly escaped everyone who was laughing, which included about four new guys, she was furious. This was so embarrassing for her, she hadn't even met half the people around here and she was looking like this. Daisy quickly escaped her embarrassment by running upstairs into the bathroom and turning on the water quickly before looking up at her appearance, Daisy's face was painted with makeup. She had bright green and blue eye shadow with black lipstick and an orange face. She tried to hide the laugh that she was going to let out just by looking at her appalling appearance, she began to scrub at her face trying to get the mess of.

20 minutes later, Daisy's face was back to normal, well sort of anyway. Her face was red now, from all the scrubbing, it was good enough. she began to make her way back downstairs and she noticed a few people had left due to the amount of sound that had left the flat. She kept her eyes to the ground to not allow any more embarrassment to wash over her body for the day. Daisy looked up once she had reached the lounge room and her eyes almost popped out of her head once she saw Harry sitting on the couch, smirking slightly at her as he tried to hold back a laugh.

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