3; Bundle of Daisies

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Daisy took her idiot of a friend to Taranga's Post, she still couldn't figure out how she believed that, it was a harmless joke that happened little over three years ago and Liv still believed that The London Eye was called Taranga's post. They waited in line to go on the Eye, Liv was rambling on about how excited she was to look at London and to be so high up in the sky,
"You'll be higher than that when I kick you up the ass, Olivia," Daisy grumbled, looking down at the wet floor,
"Whoa, somebody overdosed on the 'let's- be- bitchy- today- flakes'," Liv remarked, Daisy just looked up at her friend who was trying not to laugh at what she just said,
"You're not funny," Daisy said trying not to laugh, she pulled her beanie down further onto her head as the wind started to pick up.
"Look at you trying not to laugh," Liv cooed poking her cheeks once they got to the front of line and ready to purchase tickets.
"Hi, can I get one adult and one child please?" Daisy asked handing the man the required money,
"Uh, excuse me miss, but isn't she an adult?" The man replied, Daisy took a step backwards and looked at her friend who was rolling her eyes,
"Oh, she does, is she. Sorry, she just acts like a three year old, all the goddamn time," Daisy huffed putting her hands on her hips as Liv folded her arms over her body. She pulled an extra ten pounds out of her purse and handed it to the man at the ticket stand who was trying not to laugh at Liv and Daisy's ordeal. Just as they stepped onto their own carriage, Daisy's phone vibrated in her pocket, she waited until Liv was calm and seated before checking her texts,

< Messages (2) Harry

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Thurs, 29 Nov 9:57 am

9:57 am

You look nice with a beanie on, Dais.

9:59 am

Now I'm definitely convinced you're a serial killer. Stop stalking me,

10:00 am

But Daisy :-( I feel madly in love with your Wagon Wheels last night. I want to ask for more.

10:01 am

Harry... Is that your way of asking to spend more time with me?

10:02 am

Maybe it is. I was going to ask you just before, but you were with your friend.


Yeah... She's unapproachable. I wouldn't even try when she's around.

10:06 am

Well, we're bound to run into each other soon. I'll ask you then :-) See you soon, Daisy.

Or, you could just ask me now... I wouldn't mind, Daisy thought, slightly annoyed.

10: 08 am

See you soon, Harry.

"Get your nose out of your goddamn phone and look at the view," Liv whined looking across at Daisy, she rolled her eyes and looked out the clear bubble they were in. She would hate to admit it, but the view was beautiful, the grey clouds rolling over London, reflecting in the water and the sun leaking through the clouds. Liv had finally calmed down once they stepped off of their carriage, but Daisy was searching around for a certain curly haired boy that she just couldn't find. "Who ya' looking for?" Liv asked once she spotted Daisy looking around dumbfounded,
"Uh, no one," She smiled down at Liv. As much as Daisy loved Liv, there was no way in hell she was telling her about Harry, sure it was a budding friendship, possible relationship, but Liv would give her so much shit for it. She would tease her about it and Daisy didn't want such an intrusion on a possible relationship, Daisy decided she would tell her when the time was right.

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