Chapter 3

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"Oh Maria you look beautiful." My mother pulls me into a hug.

"Thank you mum." We sit at our table and skim the menu. The waitress comes and we order.

"So James are you excited for the wedding I can't believe that it's only two weeks away."

"Yes ma'am time flies. I'm mostly excited about the fact that I get to spend the rest of my life with your lovely daughter." I smile and he squeezes my knee.

"This is probably the last time I'll be eating dinner with Miss. Maria Gerhold. Next time you will be Mrs. James Carlisle."

"Here is your wine." I recognize that voice. I look up and Ashton is serving my parents wine he gives one to James and as he's handing mine to me the glass tilts and spills all over my dress.


"I'm so sorry ma'am my deepest apologies here let me take you to the bathroom so you can get cleaned up." I finally realize that this was all a plan. We keep walking till we're out of sight from my parents.

"Take your shoes off." He commands.


"Just trust me." I lean down, take off my shoes and grab them in my hand. Ashton grabs my other hand. "Run"

"Wha-" he pulls me through the kitchen and out the service door ignoring the yells from the kitchen staff.

A little black car drives up to us and Ash pulls me inside so I'm sitting on his lap in the passenger seat.

"What the hell are you thinking Ashton. I can't just leave." He just smirks.

"Wow Ash you were right she is feisty." The dark haired boy driving catches my attention.

"Maria this is Calum. Calum this is Maria."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Calum but I command that you take me back right this instant."

"No can do little lady I only accept orders from him."

"Ashton I need to get back James will worry and so will my parents." I look down to the engagement ring on my finger. It has wine all over it.

"Just call them. I'm having Calum take you home so you can shower and change." I pull my phone out of my clutch and dial James number.

"Hello? Babe are you okay?"

"I'm fine J I decided to walk home cause I don't think I can stand sitting there all night in a wine stained dress."

"Oh ok you could've told me I would've gone with you. There a funny thing though the manager came over once he saw what happened. He said the dude didn't even work there he had never seen him until just then."

"Weird. Ok I'll see you when you get home you don't have to rush just tell my mum and dad that I'll see them at the wedding."

"Ok I love you darling."

"I love you too."

I put my phone back in my clutch. I look at Ashton who is deep in thought.

"Why won't you see your parents until the wedding that seems like a while to see your parents?" He finally asks.

"My wedding is in two weeks that's not very long at all I've gone at least 5 without seeing them."

"Your weddings in two weeks?"

"Yes it's July 30th." We arrive at my house and I get out Ashton following me. Calum drives off once we reach the door.

I walk to my room with Ashton still following me. "What do you want?"

"I thought we would hang out that's what friends do."

"Well can you at least turn away so I can get in the shower." He turns around and I pull my dress over my head. I place my shoes in my closet and the dress in the garbage since it's ruined.

"Wow two times in one week how lucky am I." I spin around and Ashton is leaning against the door frame smirking. I grab the first thing I see which is one of James t-shirts.

"Don't cover yourself up. Why would you want to hide such a beautiful body." He keeps getting closer and I back up till we reach the bed.

He picks me up nearly, throws me on the bed the climbs on top of me. "I've been dreaming about being in this situation since I met you." He presses his lips roughly against mine. I place my hand on his chest and kiss back. My hands automatically tangle in his hair. He flips us over so I'm on top of him. His hands slide from my waist to my bum. I gasp as he squeezes and he takes that as an opportunity tallied his tongue in. Our tongues battle for control he ends up winning. His hands slide the shirt up my body and we break apart to fully pull it off. He takes his off too and then goes back to kissing me. His hand reaches for the clasp of my bra and I push him away.

"I-I can't"

"Why not?" He looks at me confused.

"Well first off we shouldn't even be kissing. Also I'm still a virgin."

"You are a virgin. I can't even imagine how much self control James has that he still hasn't had sex with you yet."

"Well I know he isn't a virgin and he has never tried to do it."

"Would you let him if he did?"


"What would stop you."

"I don't love him. Well I do love him I'm just not in love with him."

"The why are you marrying him? Why would you spend the rest of your life with someone your not in love with."

"Our parents arranged this marriage I have no say. They feel it will be better for business since I'm an only child when they die they know James will be able to take over."

"Your twenty years old. You don't have to listen to your parents. Your an adult you can make your own choices including who you mar-"

"Maria. Honey I'm home."

"Go out the window." I whisper he grabs his shirt and climbs out just as James walks in the door.

"Hello darling. Why aren't you wearing clothes?"

"It's hot in here and since you weren't home I just thought I would walk around like this."

"Oh ok." He walks to the closet and strips down to his boxers.

"So how was the rest of the meal?" I pull my hair up into a bun.

"It was nice your parents were a little upset that you left but they understood your reasons." He walks over and climbs under the blankets.

"Yeah. But I'll see them again at the wedding so it will be okay." If I go to the wedding. Ashton had a point why marry someone you're not in love with.

"What did you do with your extra time?"

"I just sat around I decided not to shower since the wine didn't get on me." I climb into his lap.

"Someone's touchy-feely today. What's up?" His hands got to my waist and mine go around his neck.

"Can't I just want to sit on your lap do I need a reason?"

"I guess you can." He leans in for a long kiss. His lips are different from Ashton's their more thin and not pierced. I don't feel the hunger or the need that powers Ashton's lips. It feels like James is just kissing me to kiss me. I lick his bottom lip asking for entrance but I get denied I try pinching is arm but he still keeps his mouth closed. I get bored so I pull away. He leans in and gives me one last peck.

Maybe Ashton is right maybe I shouldn't marry James. I lay down and James turns his lamp off so the room goes dark.

"Goodnight Maria"


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