It has been one year since Annie came to neverland and she has been happy there with peter,the lost boys,and pixie.
but what she did'nt know what the pirates were planning to destroy neverland and peter.
the pirates thought of a plan to find the hideout,capture Annie,pixie and the boys,force pixie and the boys to walk the plank and force peter to give himself up or he will watch Annie walk the plank.the problem was they did not know where the hideout was,so he sent seasick sally and some other pirates to search all of neverland to find the hideout.
seasick sally was desprate to find the hideout because she hated Annie after the adventure at the black castle so she wanted to destroy Annie and her friends.
it was a nice morning in neverland and Annie was very happy today,she had a best friend and a family that loved her and she never had to grow up.
she was outside her house playing with scraps,what she did'nt know was seasick sally was hiding in a bush spying on her.that was when she thought of an idea.
I bet I could find pan's hideout if I use one those girls she thought to herself.
pixie came over the Annie and were talking everything was going okay but then pixie asked Annie,after spending all this time here do you love peter?
Annie was shocked pixie asked such a nosy question,but she thought to herself did she love peter?
what she did'nt know was that peter's feelings towards her were growing and he wanted to tell her how he feels but he was afraid she would reject him.
pixie that question is so personal cried Annie
I was just asking if you have feelings
so your trying to mess with my feelings shouted Annie
Annie pixie started to say
you know what that is not your buisness she shouted making pixie cry and run away
no pixie I Annie started to say but realized she had made a mistake
seasick sally saw the whole scene take place so she a told the other pirates to capture pixie and bring her to hook.
I cannot believe she spoke to me like that pixie fumed talking to tinker bell
I think she changed herself and her idenity pixie kept talking not knowing the pirates were following her.
just then she came face to face with seasick sally and the pirates just as she was about to scream they gagged her mouth grabbed her and took her back to the ship.meanwhile tinker bell was about to go get peter but one of the pirates grabbed her before she could fly away.
why did you bring me here?pixie asked outraged
I bet you are using me to trap peter but it won't work
my dear hook said we did not bring you here to use as a trap
then what do you want?
tell me this hook said why did you and Annie fight earlier today.
well she yelled at me when I asked about her feelings towards peter admitted pixie
why do you even hang out with pan and the boys?
well they are like my family she replied
ever thought of being a pirate asked hook
well when I was little I dreamed what my pirate name will be one eyed jess she said
you know you can join our crew and maybe there will be another girl pirate you can talk to.
I don't know
don't the others pick on you
well yes but they are only joking around she said
but what use will I be if I joined?
you could tell jokes and find treasures with us convinved hook
think about it alright my dear
look I'll think about it okay
seasick sally please escort this young lady off the ship said hook until we meet again
but what will my friends think if I did join to become a pirate she asked seasick sally.
I am sure they will understand said seasick sally but my advice they were never your friends anyway.
not even Annie
not even Annie smirked seasick sally
pixie ran back to the hideout not knowing hook sent a spy to follow her to wear the hideout was
but pixie forgot about tinker bell for the pirates had locked her in a cabinet on the ship.
the return to neverland
Actionwhen Annie Darling is captured by pirates she and scraps are taken to neverland. there she meets peter pan who rescues her from the pirates.there she finds out the stories about her great grandma is true.will she learn to find love and feel it or wi...