what is a kiss?

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Annie was still running down the path not sure where she was going,that was when she tripped on the root of a tree and fell and turned her ankle.she tried to stand but the pain felt like thousand needles poking at her skin.upset she sat there and cried silently blaming herself for running away in the first place.that was when peter came to her and was confused on why she was crying.

girl he asked why are crying?Annie was shocked that she let out a shriek causing peter to fly,a scream developed in her throat which was when he clamped her mouth shut still flying over her

look he said I don't want to hurt you,I just want to help you alright?Annie nodded as peter pulled his hand away from her mouth.peter bowed gracisly towards her which was when Annie replied with a curtsy.

what is your name she asked what is yours asked peter,Annie Maria Margerat darling she replied I'm peter pan he said Annie was surprised when he said that,she had heard stories of peter pan from her mom but she never believed they were true.do you know where you asked peter no Annie replied.this is the second star to the right and straight on till morning.is that how they address the letters asked Annie.no one gets any letters replied peter.but your mother must get letters said Annie,don't have a mother said peter as if it were not important.I am so sorry you don't have a mother said Annie sypathiclly.that's ok we know how to live without mothers said peter,we asked Annie confused.yes me and the lost boys replied peter they are children who fall out of their prams when the nurse is not looking and if they are not claimed in 7 days they are sent here to the neverland.

peter asked if she was worried about being not at home to which Annie replied no I can never go back home was her answer.but your family must be worried about said peter,they won't care that I'm gone said Annie bitterly.but your father must be worried he won't care that I'm gone but your mother must worried you do have a mother asked peter,when Annie did not respond he thought she did not have a mother oh Annie he cried and went over to hug her but she backed up.no you cannot touch me she cried out why asked peter confused no boy has ever touched me before was her answer.is that why you were crying?asked peter no cried Annie feeling like he had offended in her i some way i do have a mother but I was not crying because of that shouted Annie I was crying because i fell down and hurt myself oh and i was not crying she added,she did not like it when people accused her.peter just stared at her for he had never seen such a beautiful up close before

do you need help he asked,even though she was very stubborn she said she wanted help so peter flew away for some time then came back to help her.why thank you she said,she had never had anyone treat her so kindly toward her in a long time she felt like she was not forgotten.

Annie peter said one girl is worth more then 20 boys he said.you really think so said Annie yeah because I live with boys but sadly we are all boys with no girls to keep us company replied peter

no girls asked Annie,no you see girls are much too clever to fall out their prams replied peter peter it seems you know a lot about girls said Annie then peter said may I give you a kiss he asked sure she said and held her hand out.don't you know a kiss is asked peter of I do said Annie,but Annie had forgotten what a kiss was a long time ago.peter gave Annie a thimble that wendy gave to him a long time ago.so I have to give you one know? yes if you like so Annie gave him a button.thank you peter how old are you asked Annie I'm still very young he replied don't you know she asked no I ran away the the I was born why?one night I heard my parents talking about what I was to be when I became a man

so I decided to run away to kennedy gardens he replied that's how I met tink tink asked Annie tinker bell he replied she is my fairy you see Annie when a baby laughs for the first time their laughter is shattered into a million pieces and that is how faries are born but everyone knows that faries are'nt just then peter clamped her mouth shut never say that word every time someone says that a fairy always falls down dead he answered and I shall never be able to find her if she is dead I know faries are real then Annie asked peter why did you come to my nursery?we came to listen to the stories he replied I like the one about the prince who could'nt find the lady who wore glass slippers peter that was Cinderella and her prince found her and they lived happily ever after I knew it Annie I should like if I give you a thimble what's a thimble tink tink tink no what was that tinker bell I am so sorry about her she gets jealous around other girls

really yeah all girls are like that about me oh lucky you what is she doing asked Annie talking he said what did she say she says your a big ugly girl she is a common fairy and is not very polite she says if I try to give you a thimble again she'll kill you oh and I thought faries to be charming Annie where are you going somewhere you have no idea where your going do you? no I have no where to go now she replied you should with me peter said but I cannot fly don't worry I will teach I'll teach to fly on the winds and away we go so peter how do you fly just think of a happy thought and they will lift you up into the air.when Annie was thinking peter sprinkled fairy dust on her and when she looked down she was acutally flying come away to neverland what if it is dangerous there are mermaids mermaids she cried exitedly indians pirates just scraps went flying into the air and was just a spec.Annie looked back knowing she can never go back home and her old life

forget them Annie forget them all come with me and you'll never never have to worry about grown up stuff again he whispered into her ear never is an awfully long time she replied then she flew up into the sky with peter knowing she is to have an adventure.

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