True Annie was sad at times at home but she still had happy moments at was on that night that her brothers came for a visit this one night.they were all singing and playing at the piano.there was mr darling who was a bank accountant who know the cost of everything.he worried about money and the expense on his daughter,then there was mrs darling who was the loviest woman in bloomsbury who had one kiss that Annie could never get.she saved this kiss in the right hand corner of her mouth then there were her brothers james and charlie who thought their sister having a dog for a friend was very strange.Annie's turn her brothers shouted,Annie please tell them one of their stories.cecco who carved his name at the govenor of goa james suggested Noodler with his hands on backwards said charlie well aren't children educated nowadays asked mr darling nervously acutally dad my dream is to travel and write my own novel about my adventures said Annie excitedly.she knew she did'nt want to stay home as a house wife or behind a desk at an office she wanted to see the world for herself.what adventures? asked her father.I have yet to have but I am sure they will be perfectly thrilling
honey novelists are not thought of in this society and it will be hard to marry as a novelist her father advised marry?asked Annie and the others at the same time.but Henry said mrs darling Annie is not yet twelve
walk towards me my dear so that I may appraise you,Annie walked over to her father,that is when mr darling noticed something different about Annie.just as I expected he said,Annie has possed a woman's chin.everyone gasped,can you not see it? in that right hand corner is that a kiss? a kiss,like mom's kiss the boys whispered but what is it for she asked confused
it is for the greatest adventure of all they who have slipped in and out of heaven her father said proud.find out asked Annie the one the kiss belongs to said her father proud that his daughter was becoming a woman.
she must spend less time at home telling fairytales and more time with me her father told her mother I was thinking that every day after school she can help work at the bank
Annie had a worried expression on her face,she knew she had to grow up sometime later but she wished it would be later.she wished she could never grow up but she knew it was impossible to try.
the return to neverland
Aksiwhen Annie Darling is captured by pirates she and scraps are taken to neverland. there she meets peter pan who rescues her from the pirates.there she finds out the stories about her great grandma is true.will she learn to find love and feel it or wi...