08- & The End

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𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚝𝚠𝚘

"CURIOSS breath, take deep breaths it's gonna be alright," Reina soothed her sister as she shakily cried. She was scared for her sister and she was also mad that this was happening to her. All her life she'd protect her sister and she felt like she couldn't do so now; It was like going to prison all over again.

Kaylon began to tug on her pants with a worried look on her face, "Curioss?"

Double didn't know why but he found his self pulling her into a hug as she cried. Stacks looked up at him in shock; Double wasn't the one to ever take shit seriously and the fact that he barely knew Curioss and still tried to comfort her was screaming something.

"Fuck," Reina rubbed down her face, and turned her gaze towards Melanie, "I gotta close up the Salon, could you take her home and keep her company?"

Melanie threw her garbage away and gave Reina a sad look, "I can't do that right now sis, I'm really sorry," She gave her a side hug and shot Curioss a sorry smile before walking away.

Still hugging Curioss's legs, Kaylon looked up at her father, "Could we stay with Curioss daddy?" Saint hesitated; the fact that Kaylon had a connection with Curioss he couldn't say no, plus he felt sorry for her.

The little bit of time he spent with Curioss he knew she wasn't the type to have a break down in public unless something was bothering her, she always seemed to have a smile on her face regardless and even if she was going through something he wouldn't know because she never showed it. Curioss was the type to let shit eat her up before she confided in anybody.

"Yeah baby, go wait in the car," Kaylon bobbed her head and sauntered towards the car. Reina thanked him and placed a soft kiss on her sister's forehead.

"I'ma fuck wid y'all latuh," Saint dabbed them up.

"Aight cuz," Stacks responded and watched as he opened the door for Curioss to get in.

Before she got in the car she flashed a small smile towards Double and he gave her a firm head nod.

The car ride was silent as Kaylon was in her lap, playing with the loose thread from her jeans.

A few minutes later they were now parked outside her gates.

Curioss got out the car and unlocked her gates, pushing it open for the car to drive in. She sighed and closed it once he made his way in.

Ofcourse, when they reached inside the house was empty.

She figured her mother had took Remnick and Remni out for the day as usual. Leaving the door open, she plopped down on the couch and turned the television on to take her mind off of things.

Kaylon placed her head on Curioss's lap and her feet on her father's while watching the television. "Netflix ain't the same nomo," Kaylon frowned.

Curioss played in her hair and nodded, just like her father, she too had nice hair on her head.

Curioss turned her head and saw that he was on his phone texting with a unpleasant scowl on his face. Saint looked up and caught her staring causing her to immediately look away.

"Bad boyz, bad boyz, what ya gonna do, what ya gonna do when da cops finds you," Kaylon bobbed her head and hummed. Saint looked up from his phone, "That aint how it goes."

Kaylon cut her eyes at her father, "Don't upset me daddy."

Night came down and Reina was nowhere to be found. Curioss blew her phone up with messages and yet she got nothing in response.

"Hi this is Reina, I ain't around right now so you know what to do," It went straight to voicemail and it was the same thing with Melanie and her mother.

"We could stay until she comes back, it aint nothing," He stated when he saw how frustrated she was. It felt like a heavy load was lifted off of her once he said that.

"Y'all could stay in the guestroom," She got up and made her way upstairs. Saint picked up Kaylon's sleeping body and followed her.

He placed her down on the bed and Curioss watched as he set down his gun behind the lamp.

When she was about to walk out the room, she paused and rushed into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. Saint furrowed his eyebrows at her actions.

The bathroom in the guest room was the only place she could store her pills without her mother, Reina, or the children finding them since nobody hardly ever came in there.

Curioss shakily opened the cupboard and she took out the bottle of pills. Her anxiety was slowly building its way up and her palms were sweaty. She wanted badly to take them; she wanted badly to sleep her pain away but she couldn't.

She broke down while she looked at herself in the mirror. "I can't nomo," She whispered and dropped the pills into the garbage.

"Speak," He answered his burner phone. "I'm sorry Mr. Blacks but the shipping is taking a bit longer to arrive, the connect in Mexico says-" he looked towards Kaylon's sleeping body and lowered his voice,"Just get that shit done and don't call me unless it arrives, got it?"

"Y-ye-" Without letting him finish Saint hung up.

Curioss came out the bathroom and dried her hands on her shorts. Saint was leaned up against the wall observing her.

Something about her was bothering him, he wasn't pleased with the way Kaylon reacted when she had her panic attack and he needed answers before he decided to make any movements.

"What is it that you running from? Better yet who is it?"

"That ain't ya' bussiness, Ka'deem, mind yours," She sniffed and tried to push pass him but he blocked her way and gave her the meanest mug.

"That ain't my bussiness?" He threw his head back and released a dry chuckle, "Once that shit affects my child it becomes my fucking bussiness, you think I give one fuck who chasing after you?" He stepped closer to her causing her breathing to hitch.

"Trust me shordy, I don't.



A double update to help ease
y'all mind off of chap seven <3


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