09- Faded Memories

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THE sun beamed down on Curioss and she had awoken up with a painful headache. Curioss got up out the bed and sat up, looking around.

The place was quiet and she wondered if Reina had came home.

"Of course she didn't," She muttered when she saw that she didn't answer to her messages nor calls. Curioss was furious, it was unlike Reina to not answer her phone.

The guest room's door was wide open. Curioss looked inside and found it empty, she was a little bit sad that they went without waking her up first.

"Hi this is Melanie, I'm probably somewhere that I'm not supposed to be but I'll get back to youuuu," ---- Voicemail.

Curioss made her way into the kitchen and started to angry cook. Whenever she was angry she found herself either baking or cooking something. It was a habit she had adapted from her father since little.

By the time she was done, she already had a table set with scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages and pancakes. Curioss sighed and wiped her hands on the cloth that hung on the stove.

She sat herself down on the counter and irritatedly chewed on a sausage. Her phone started ringing and she saw that it was Melanie.

Curioss rolled her eyes and answered, "What?"

"Bitch, who you giving attitude-" She sucked her teeth and hung up the phone, placing it on the counter.

"Fuck off my line," She mumbled. She really wasn't in the mood to deal with her at all.

To say she was pissed was understandable.

Curioss came out the kitchen and sat in the living room. However, something in a box below the television caught her eyes. She bent down and dragged the box out.

"Babysteps," She read out loud once she dusted off one of the tapes.

"C'mon Curioss let's go, move them legs girl!" Six year old Curioss whined, wiping her forehead. "Daddy I can't," she breathed out with her hands on her knees. Her father jogged backwards, "There's no such thing as I can't, now let's go, I'm tired of losing to your uncle'nem,"

"Just go without me pa I'm tired,"

Reina waved the camera in her face, "Let's gooooo!"

Her mother wiped her face with a towel, "You could always just lose, let ya brother win again." She rolled her eyes at her husband.

"No, fuck I look like letting his santa clause lookin' ass win everytime,"

"Clyfford," She said in a stern voice. "Am I lying tho?"

"Let's go before they catch up to us," She pulled at her father.

They soon started running again.

"You go babygirl! You go!" She smiled and took out the tape, putting in another one.

"Happy birthday to youuu, make a wish baby," Her father placed a kiss on her forehead. Curioss grinned and blew out her candles. "Open ya gifts," He told her and wrapped his arms around her mother.

She gasped when she saw what was inside, "You got me a camera!?"

"Only the best of the best," Curioss hugged her father and he chuckled, "My lil photographe-"

Curioss frowned and took out the tape.

She put away the tapes back into the box, she hated having memories of what they had before it all went downhill. It brought nothing but pain.

She made her way into the kitchen and sat herself on the counter, toying with the necklace that hung around her neck.

"Curioss?" Her mother's voice boomed throughout the room. Curioss hopped off the counter and walked out of the kitchen.

"Where were y'all?" She folded her arms against her chest and raised an eyebrow.

Reina gave her mother a look before answering, "Aunt Leila needed some help so we went," She shrugged and dropped her keys on the table, "It was last minute."

"So you really gon' stand there and lie to me?" She turned her attention towards her mother, "Mom?" 'Nicka pushed passed her daughter without saying anything.

"Curio-" Reina reached out to her but she brushed her off and went up the stairs. She knew they were hiding something.

She dropped down on her bed and stared at the ceiling, something she did that always made her zone out.

"Babygirl?" Her mother knocked on her door.

'Nicka slowly opened the door when she didn't get a response.

She laid down besides her daughter. "I remember when you were little, it was always daddy this, daddy that," She smiled and shook her head at the memory.

"You would always call me out for him----you were your father's angel,"------ "Now look at it now."

Curioss looked up at her mother, "What are you trying to say?" 'Nicka chuckled and sat up on the bed.

"What I'm tryna say is that there's some things that life just throws at you unexpectedly, leaving you with no time to catch them," Nicka pat her daughter's legs and got up.

"Why can't you tell me what's going on?" She paused and looked over her shoulder, "Soon enough darling."

She hated the fact that they were treating her as if she was still a child but decided not to speak on it.

• • •

"Did you send the message?" The person asked as she unbuckled their belt. She nodded her head and slightly bit down on her lips.

"And did she suspect that it was you?" She smirked and ran her fingers up the unknown person's thighs. "Not at all baby."



Just a filler 🌴 , it's short I know

I wonder what Reina &
Mrs. Rogers hiding 🌚


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