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Mmm, I don't want to wake up...mmm...

"Lucas, levanta tu trasero ahora mismo!"

"But- Ayaa that hurts"

"I told you to get up"

Gus pulled the covers from over his nephews head and hit him with his slipper across his back.

"Oh, please it was a light tap"

Lucas mocked his uncle under his breath. But that only got him another slap. This was the worst part of the week for Luca well in his opinion. Today was Saturday which meant his weekly visit to his therapist. Yes his therapist, every since six years old he has had nightmares about his bitter past and as of yesterday he is 16 years of age.

Sliding on his slippers he went into the bathroom. In the bathroom he took a nice shower, it was quite long and his Uncle was not having it.

"Luca you're taking to long!"

"I'll be out in a sec" he would say. But it wasn't the case. Once finished he dried his hair and brushed his teeth. He left the bathroom. He ran to his room threw on some decent clothes and went to the kitchen.

It was the average eggs, toast, and orange juice type deal going on. Lucas is growing up into a man so he has been eating up the house. But all of what he's eating is being used as energy and turned into muscle.

Gus came into the kitchen after he was in his average attire which Lucas knew what he was going to do today. He rolled his eyes.

"You're going to the garage?" He said sarcasm present. Gus eyed his nephew.

"Yes why?"

"Mmm no reason" he said standing up grabbing his backpack which held is laptop and books.

The car ride was well, quiet. On days like these Lucas tends to close himself off from everything.

His Uncle dropped him off at the front of his therapists office.


Walking into the lobby he turned toward the elevator which brought him to the third floor.

Lucas sighed, "why does it always have to be like this?"

The ding of the elevator sounded off and he exited. he turned down the hall and knocked on a door labeled "01".

"Come in" He heard a voice say.

"Well look who it is, my favorite client"

"Ha ha very funny Mr.Moon" At the door he took off his coat and his bag. 

"So today Lucas how are you feeling how have you been since our last visit?"

"fine I guess" Mr.Moon wrote some things down and got his papers ready for the session.

"Mm look kid you've been coming to me for about ten and a half years now and I think its best that we just dive in straight away"

"I see your point, well okay so I'm doing fine but school will be harder this year I think- wait that's a lie..." he paused and took a lengthy breath in "It's always been hard very hard ya know because i don't know Korean that well but I believe I'm getting better right? it's been hard learning Korean for school, speaking Spanish/English with Tío Gus and making sure I keep up with my Mandarin. Also do I really have to be the subject of conversation everywhere I go just because I'm Chinese and Latin and I don't have fair skin, like come on I know I look different" now Lucas basically yelled out everything that was bugging him.

he stared at his hands.

"....you know that the things that they say about you are rude and disgusting but don't let them cloud your judgement of yourself because you know what you are. you are you, and nobody can be you, plus they are just jealous of what they don't have"

"what do i have? my mum isn't around and my dad is dead"

Mr.Moon knew this but decided to stay quiet and continue to write. 

"Tell about why you dispise nascar so much?"

"I- its the one reason why my father is currently in the ground" 

"Besides that why else do you hold so much hate for the sport?"

Lucas thought for a bit then began speaking again. 

"I hate it because tio Gus still trains, he still competes even though he know Pa is gone because of it. He enjoys the one thing that ruined our lives!" He huffed out.

"Well have you ever thought of it from his perspective? I mean losing your big brother, then taking guardianship of your nephew who has been in a never ending cycle of terror" lucas stared at the carpet.

"I see nothing wrong with what Gustavo is doing, this is just he way of coping. He still trains and competes because it's all he has ever known,  it's his last memories with Emiliano"

Lucas hummed. 

"You are his son, his only son, his legacy...you can choose to keep living with your nightmares or you can overcome your grief by helping your uncle carry on your father's legacy"

"So what will it be?" Lucas blinked a couple times before speaking.



.𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐞𝐝. | @𝐛𝐱𝐛𝐢𝐞_𝐜𝐡𝐱𝐧𝐠𝐛𝐢𝐧Where stories live. Discover now