4| rendezvouz on the bridge

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jisoo was crossing the bridge after an afternoon wandering around in an effort to calm her buzzing mind when she got the call.

she didn't have to look to know who it was.

"nyongan, mr kim," she greeted cheerfully, well-rehearsed.

"jisoo!" the man sounded positively at the end of his tether. "it's jennie! she's gone! she's escaped again! the nurses...and she even eluded the guards out in front of the manor! please, please-"

"on it mr kim, don't you worry," jisoo reassured, her heart heavy. "i'll find her."

"thank you thank you...do you need extra meds?"

"always carry an emergency stash."

"maybe bandages, in case she got into scrapes? money to bail her out? emergency syringes?"

"it's all here, mr kim," she said, patting the fanny pack around her middle.

"what would i do without you, jisoo?" jennie's father sighed. "let me know when you find her, as usual."

"of course mr kim," jisoo reassured and hung up.

she pushed back her hoodie to see better and got to work finding jennie on the gps tracker that was present on Snapchat and which was always switched on in Jennie's case, as long as her phone was working.

jennie might be smart enough to escape her confines but she was often ditzy enough to leave her snapchat Maps feature on. jisoo kept her secret because she wanted to believe jennie did so only because she wanted jisoo to find her. then again, jennie's father didn't exactly try too hard to find his runaway daughter.

"come on come on come on, where are you," jisoo muttered. her heart leapt in her chest when she spotted jennie's bitmoji, apparently stationary, at least for now.

but she was a good five miles away.

fcking hell jen, jisoo thought with a rueful shake of her head, did you know i skipped cardio today by any chance? please don't move.

and she started jogging, breathing in the scent of the river surrounding her from both sides as she ran.

for all his wealth, mr kim was clueless when it came to handle his impetuous and apparently deeply disturbed daughter. jennie was was rumoured to have bouts of hallucinations, psychotic breaks and impulsive tendencies, which made her a menace in the eyes of people at large who gave her a wide berth.

jisoo was the only person to stay. she was the dependable girl from next door, a year older than jennie, but she had known jennie forever seeing as they had grown up together since they were kids. when they played together in jennie's garden, jisoo was always the one comforting or bandaging jennie's knee after some nasty fall. jennie always giggled when jisoo said something to cheer her up.

mr kim, widowed soon after his daughter's birth, left jennie in the care of nannies while he travelled abroad on business most of the time.

jisoo couldn't tell for certain, but she suspected jennie's nannies weren't exactly the sweet, kindly lot they mention in storybooks. she would put down their actions to be one of the root causes for her friend's disturbed mental state.

disturbed wasn't even the proper word. jennie could be so sharp and emotionally intelligent sometimes that it made jisoo stop and stare in awe.

but there were other times when jennie's eyes glazed over and she entered an altered state of being, phases when not one word you said could penetrate the shell she put around herself. she would do whatever got into her head with no regard for consequences. those were the times jisoo feared most, because not even she would be able to break jennie out of that perilous bubble.

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