9| heartbreak hotel

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the mystery destination turned out to be an abandoned motel in a tourist village that had closed down a year ago. nearby was an arcade park that fell into disuse.

rosie could just make out the enormous shape of a ferris wheel against the backdrop of the night.

"it's so unreal," she whispered.

"what is?" jennie asked, who happened to be closest.

"like the fact that the ferris wheel and the amusement park is silent when you usually picture it as bustling and there's lights everywhere. even this motel here. and the supermarket back there too but since we were all making so much noise i didn't really stop to notice."

"so you're saying it's spooky then?" jennie asked with furrowed brows. she shivered, pulling up the furry shawl she had found from lisa's bag.

"it is a bit spooky because there's no people," rosie mused, casting about her for the right word. " but what i'm looking for... it's more like...it's more like an odd feeling... like being out of place."

"liminal spaces," jennie suddenly perked up, beaming. "that's your word. liminal spaces. jichu described it to me once."

"and do you still remember what i told you?" jisoo asked, much like a teacher testing her pupil.

jennie screwed her eyes shut tight as she recited. "liminal space in anthropology refers to the threshold of the—"

"no no, the other liminal space. the aesthetic one," jisoo corrected. "the one about empty airports."

jennie closed her eyes again. "liminal spaces is an aesthetic that refers to the feeling of being in a transitional space that has been abandoned and thus provides an element of ambiguity for an individual since the usual context of the said space is taken away."

"very good jendeuk, you still remember," jisoo beamed and jennie chirped happily.

liminal spaces...the description sounded nice to rosie.

"le gasp, pinky got schooled by psycho?" lisa called in mock suprise, failing to hide the glee in her voice. she chuckled when rosie rolled her eyes. "okay enough dilly dallying, ladies, i got the key. let's head in, come in come in, mind the step and wipe your feet please."

they trooped inside the lobby and lisa asked rosie for her phone again to use as a flashlight.

"battery's almost down," rosie said worriedly as she handed it over.

"did you need to call someone?" lisa asked.

rosie shook her head, feeling her gut give an unpleasant squirming sensation. no, she had nobody to call at all.

"no it's just...we'll be without light if jisoo unnie's phone runs out too."

"fret not darling, i will be your knight in shining armour if some ghoul attacks you AAAAAAAGH!"

lisa nearly jumped into rosie's arms as jennie sneaked up behind her and whispered a very soft "boo!"

rosie doubled up laughing on the spot along with jisoo and jennie as lisa attempted to regain her dignity. "ha ha very funny psycho," she deadpanned, "you caught me off guard."

"your face! that scream!" rosie gasped, holding her stomach. "it was perfect."

"glad my...reactions entertain you then," lisa said stiffly, ego very much bruised.

"that was for scaring rosie earlier," jennie said smugly.

"oh yeah? wait till i get you for that."

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