19| heroes

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they witnessed the sun rising over the horizon, greeting them and thawing their chilled bodies. all four had stayed in the car, watching in peaceful silence as the sun's warm rays kissed their faces.

nobody had said anything as the sun rose higher, gradually going from yolk orange to a more steady peach glow. the car radio had been switched off as well to appreciate the glorious sunrise in front of them.

jennie sat quiet as a mouse. jisoo had wrapped her arms around rosie, snuggling against her back after she had quietly inched closer and closer until she was leaning her head against rosie. the slight weight didn't bother rosie in the least and she hadn't asked questions, smiling only a little bit when she heard jisoo's quiet snores close to her ear.

it had been a long night for all of them but in particular for jisoo, who was more used to a rigid schedule, so rosie let her sleep against her for a few moments. she hadn't seemed too interested sunrises.

lisa hadn't passed any remarks or snide comments either, possibly reading the situation and sending rosie only a quick grin before she settled to watch the morning spectacle in respectful silence.

she had been absorbed in the serene moment, seeming to enjoy it as she rested her chin on her arms that were set on the side door. her doe eyes caught the light, making them gleam, and coupled with the smile that stretched across her face, rosie thought lisa looked beautiful. if only her phone hadn't run out of charge, she would have taken a picture to immortalise the moment and maybe even set it as her wallpaper.

she had found girls beautiful before and heck, maybe her loyal devotion to ashley and hyeri wasn't exactly platonic either, which could explain why she was always eager to help them out whenever they called upon her.

ashley and hyeri would often joke and tease that baby rosie was "whipped" for her unnies, ready to fall on her knees at their command. rosie would only roll her eyes at them before happily accepting the milkshake they bought her. she would sip contentedly as she sat sandwiched between her two pretty friends in one booth of their favourite diner, because she had no notion of personal space and besides, it felt nice. she shot dirty glares at any guy that dared approach and chat up any one of her unnies, which the elders found amusing and earned rosie her nickname of 'douche repellent'.

rosie insisted she simply didn't want any guy to get in between them and take the girls away from her. it was very ironic that the reverse had in fact happened. rosie shook her head, returning to the present.

what was done was done. the only thing she could do was move forward and try to reconnect with them and apologise, for everything.

the birds had woken up as well, chirping their morning song in the trees nearby to welcome the new day. the faint whirr from the turbines was soothing nd rosie wanted nothing more than to stay in this peaceful spot forever.

"what time is it?" jisoo slurred. rosie patted her hand.

"don't worry, still early. good nap?"

jisoo gave a sleepy smile before she hugged rosie, to her utter delight.

"you're like a pillow," jisoo said sleepily, rubbing her face against rosie's back. "soft and squishy and warm."

rosie almost melted at this endearing side of the girl. "is she usually like this in mornings, jen?"

"she calls me jendeukie for being clingy, but she can be pretty clingy herself," jennie laughed. "ya chu, i'm getting jealous you know."

jisoo shot up immediately, wide awake as she withdrew her arms from around rosie. "huh? what? i'm sorry, i didn't mean it like that!"

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