10| clash

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"voilá," lisa said airily as she stood back to let her three friends gawk at the impressive array of liquor bottles on display behind the bar. "now whenever you like, i'm waiting for my gasps of adoration and throw in a 'sexy motherfucking lisa' while you're at it."

"holy shit lisa," jisoo whistled.

"frickin hell lisa," rosie exclaimed, eyes bulging.

"i like the green and orange one, can i taste that lisa?" jennie asked.

lisa face palmed. "i'm surrounded by idiots who can't understand that my ego needs constant adulation and praise to function. is it that hard to grasp?"

"you're bluffing right? they're not filled with...with alcohol. they can't be," rosie said breathlessly, scanning the bottles. she resisted the urge to snatch one up and inspect it.

"they sure are," lisa said proudly. "i kept the stash well hidden as you can see so no turd sniffs it out. now then."

she hopped over the bar counter and leaned across it next to the bottles, simpering at rosie. "what can i get you ladies? jisoo, name me your poison. psycho, i can fix you up with a cocktail. how about you pinky? i'm sure i got some rosé wine around here for ya. oh don't bother about paying, it's on the house—oi, psycho! no touchy!"

jennie yelped and retracted her hand quickly. she had been sneakily reaching for a golden coloured whiskey bottle.

"it's so pretty," jennie said, mesmerised. jisoo patted her shoulder.

"i'm afraid you aren't drinking tonight," jisoo said gently, "it's not safe. for any of us," she added meaningfully, "i don't want to have to rush anyone to the hospital cos they drank too much."

"but how are we going to have fun then?" jennie said sadly. "it won't be a proper sleepover, chu."

"we can have fun some other way," rosie comforted, "we can play some party games or—"

"ah chillax y'all," lisa groaned as she poured a shot of the amber coloured liquid and passed it over to an ecstatic jennie. "she's not even gonna like it in the first place, she's just like a kid. watch."

"lisa no!" jisoo cried but she was too late. transfixed, jisoo watched with dread as jennie snatched up the glass and gulped down the liquor in one breath.

true to her words, jennie gagged the moment she swallowed the shot, her lips pursing up as her face screwed up, coughing violently.

"bleeeeaaghhhh!" jennie yelled, "get it off get it off! the taste uuuughhh—"

"here ya go sugar, have some sugar," lisa snickered as she passed her some sugar packets and watched in amusement as jennie teared them open one by one and dumped them in her mouth. "see chu? you worry for nothing."

"i'm trying to be responsible for her, lisa," jisoo snapped. 

a vein at the side of her temple jutted out, indicating just how angry she was. "you saw what she was like because i let her eat too much, what more if she took it to her head to drink alcohol? what would happen if she drank too much? what if she got alcohol poisoning, huh? or any of you for that matter. what would happen then huh? you think you're gonna be the hero you think you are? you can barely save yourself!"

"jisoo," rosie began, taken aback by jisoo's outburst.

jisoo ignored her. "but why would i bother explaining responsibility to you anyway?" she sneered at lisa's frozen figure. "you wouldn't know about that now, would you? you're all about running your mouth and flirting with anything that moves before you get in their pants, but you don't give a damn about responsibilities—"

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