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My feet slap against the stony floor, and I admit they're starting to ache after my long journey. I ditched my heels back at the Keep of the Elementals, so now whenever I step in a puddle, water splashes everywhere. This hallway is dark. Silent. The Lixci leading me to Ghostclaw hasn't said a word. It's only been crawling on its sinister hands and legs, staring in every direction with eyes too wide for its own face. I've heard that an animal on Earth shares the same eyes as the Lixci, some sort of creature called a goat. I don't like them.

My mother died years and years ago, and because of that, my father went crazy. He's been obsessed with getting revenge for her, hunting down the people that were the cause of her death, chasing down the only objects that could bring her back to life. Ignoring me completely. Unless, of course, he suddenly has an errand I need to run. An object I need to fetch. A person I need to kill. This is what the Guardians don't know.

After doing all these so called tasks for my father, I grew stronger. Eventually I grew strong enough to become a Guardian. And then the Head Guardian. And now if he wants something done, it will happen. This is why the Representatives of the Council are soon to be eliminated. This is how my father will get the Terra Firma Gem, and all the other Gems. I'm seen as a rule follower. I'm seen as the boss. No one, not my father, not Richard, not even my mother, has seen the real side of me. I've barely seen it myself. All I know is that I need to end this, no matter what I have to do.

"How much longer?" I ask, hopping over a deep puddle and focusing on the Lixci. The Lixci hisses, turning to the right once we reach a fork in the hallway. I know where he's taking me, even though he doesn't answer. After following more complicated directions through hallways that keep getting darker and darker, we reach our destination. Thick, metal doors, bearing random metal engravings here and there. But it's not the doors that are important. It's what's behind them.

The Lixci pounds on the door with his head, banging it violently again and again until a ringing sound can be heard. Their heads are, for the most part, indestructible. It's the eyes and the neck you have to aim for. At the same time. But back to the present, I shouldn't be getting lost in thought in a moment like this. I lift up my head when the heavy metal doors open, moving slowly inward to reveal the large room that lays ahead.

"Ah, my precious!" I hear a cackle following Ghostclaw's words even before the doors fully open. Once the doors have stopped moving I step out onto the wide rock bridge. The room is noisy. All around you can hear the two thundering waterfalls on my left and right that connect at the bottom of the ravine underneath the bridge I'm crossing. The room is so dark, you can't see the water. It's almost pitch black, so you can only hear it. Still, I know that if anyone fell from this bridge they would fall at least a hundred feet before they hit the water, and the fall alone could kill them. And even if the fall didn't, the water might. Might. Maybe I should consider jumping. There are no railings to stop me, but no. I need to get to the end of this.

"Deathflow, come." I tuck my hair behind my ear before I continue out across the rocky bride, staring up at the high ceiling of the curving cave above my head. This bridge has no ropes, no boards. Nothing to keep anyone from falling off. It's just a natural rock bridge. Once I've passed the large Golems standing guard by the doors, I let out a sigh of relief. I still flinch when I hear the doors shut again behind me, a large thud shaking the entire bridge beneath my feet. I don't look back.

I know that the towering stone statues are stationary, so at the moment they can do no harm, but there are Lixci nearby. And when a Lixci inserts its soul into a Golem, you get prepared for a fight. It's almost always a losing one. Golems are ten times as tall and as wide as me, and being made of stone and clay, if they hit you, it most definitely hurts. I've seen many deaths come from just one blow.

As for my warrior name here, Deathflow, it hurts me every time I hear it. I've never understood why Ghostclaw demanded we all have a seperate warrior name, but I think I've started to comprehend it just a bit. When I steal something for my father's purpose, when I hurt someone for him, I can never stop thinking back to what I did. It's hard to forget. But when I do look back it's a relief to say, that was Deathflow. That wasn't the real me. Still. It doesn't matter. It doesn't change anything. The act still conflicts with you, the guilt washes over you. It becomes a part of you. And I've come to realize that... Deathflow and I are one. No matter what I think.

When I finally pull myself out of my thoughts, I've reached Ghostclaw's throne. I wish the walk was longer. His throne sits on a large rocky ledge that's connected to the bridge, and now that I'm in front of it and on the ledge, I don't have to be so concerned about falling into the raging river below. The throne is at the very back of the ledge, up against the rock wall. There are large torches standing by the spiky throne and I can't help but glance at them before I bow, kneeling at the bottom of the small staircase that leads up to Ghostclaw's glorified chair.

"What do you want from me, Ghostclaw?" I look up but stay on one knee to show respect, staring at where I think his eyes might be. His face is clothed in the shadow of his hood, so I can't see him very well. Despite that I can tell he smirks as he lifts his arms from the rocky armrests of his seat, clasping his hands together before leaning forward on his lap.

"I wanted the Gem. I still want the Gem. And yet you don't have it," he growls with menace, unclasping his hands to sit up straighter in his rock throne as he gets tenser altogether.

"Lily has it, and it has formed a connection. It's not my place to take it from her," I reply simply, standing up and crossing my arms.

"Well, it is now," he announces. I glare at him, shifting so that my hands are behind my back. Maybe if I move quickly I'll be able to create some sort of weapon if needed.

"I can't do that for you. I don't even know where she is."

"Is that so?" He goes quiet for a few seconds, making me much more aware of my own breathing. How my life is at risk whenever I'm with him. "Well, if you must know, your fellow lieutenants have invaded the Praesidium. I've just received word that Stoneshadow, Nightshade, and Crimsonfang have taken Lily Ward captive. Lily, along with Steven Thompson, Eric Irvine, Amaryllis Jenkins, and Brayden Matsumoto." I stare up at him, but I remain motionless, determined not to give anything away. How did that even happen? Five of my Guardians were defeated by trivial Gloaming lieutenants. Except, with Celeste dead, there should be six others...

"Oh, excuse me. How could I forget? We also have your special friend in custody. Richard Clermont." He laughs, yet I force myself to stay still, clenching my hands into fists behind me. He's going to pay for this. "Don't look so worried, I'll keep him nice and safe for you. If, of course, you get the Gem."

I glance down at my shimmering blue dress, hating that he knows my weaknesses. I think of all the shurikens and knives that are concealed within my hidden pockets, how easily I could pull one out and chuck it at his face. I let out a small breath, trying to remain calm. If they hurt Richard, I'll never be able to blame it on someone else. I'll never be able to forgive myself. So when I look back at Ghostclaw's face, I don't say the words that are burning in my throat, and instead I say the words that will keep me alive.

"I'll get the Gem."

"Good. Lily should be arriving here soon. I assume you know where the cells are and what to do." I nod and turn around, ready to head back across the rock bridge. I have to get through this huge game of pretend. I have to get through this game, and I have to win it.

"I do," I say, starting across the rocky bridge, wishing I could run to the door.

"Deathflow, my darling." Ghostclaw shouts after me, making me stop in my tracks. Still, I don't turn around to hear the words that come out of his mouth. "Gwendolyn, don't fail me again." I stand up straighter at his words, shutting my eyes as tightly as I can.

"I won't disappoint you, father."

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