Chapter 1

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Heart of an angel.

It was a dark and chilly night when Rachel finished her shift at the local bar of her home town, Sioux falls. She decided to walk even though she knew her boyfriend, Lucas, would give her hell for not taking a taxi straight home. But something about the crisp October air called to her. Usually she couldn't wait to get into bed with Lucas after her shift and wind down as she knew best how: a cold beer, a hot shower and even hotter sex. But tonight was different, she needed air and peace. Not that her evening at the bar was a bad one, usual customers, business men who tipped great and of course the flirts that thought they had a chance with her, but she knew how to play the game well. Not too off putting so they kept drinking but not too flirty so they would get the wrong idea and try something by the end of the night.

As Rachel walked slowly into the park she couldn't help but notice a black car park on the end side of the soccer field. She wrapped her leather jacket tighter as the wind picked up and started quickening her pace to get home. She heard yelling from a distance. She turned to see from afar 4 shadows, they seemed to be in quite an argument next to the car. 'No more short cuts in the middle of the night' she thought to herself.

Excuse me miss?

She heard a smooth voice say from behind her. She spun around to the voice and saw a man in his early twenties. He had black hair and dark, yet kind eyes. She tried to answer him but she was caught so off guard her voiced failed her.

I'm sorry, I see that I scared you quite a bit... Hey i know you! You work at Charlie's right? I'm Steven. I was there earlier tonight.

Rachel suddenly remembered him from the bar. He kept to himself mostly, was polite to her and didn't try any cheesy lines on her. He seemed nice but every fiber from her body was screaming for her to get away. Before she could find her voice and get rid of him as soon as possible she heard yelling from the distance again. This time she could see the four shadows start to fight her eyes widened as she saw one figure be thrown onto the black car.

-Damn street gangs... I live down just the street here. I couldn't sleep so i decided to get some air. You want me to walk you home? It's not safe this late at night. He nudged his head towards the brawl that was happening from across the field to make his point.

Rachel smiled at him.

Thank you. My apartment is just down that way. She said pointing pass the street gang. I usually don't walk home at this time and now i know why. She half laughed to Steven.

They started walking out of the field making sure they stayed unnoticed from the brawl. Finally they got to her street safely. As they arrived to her apartment building, Rachel stopped to find her keys inside her overloaded purse. As per usual it was mission impossible. She smiled at Steven who was looking kind of... scrap that, really nervous. Before she could ask him what was wrong she heard a car engine rumble turning the corner. She saw fear in his eyes and she quickly turn to see a sexy black car roar passing in front of her home. The car slowed down as it passed her and she saw two men inside who looked at her. The one on the passenger side slightly nodded and smiled at her before the car picked up on speed and road down the street. Rachel turned towards Steven to ask if he knew those guys but, Steven wasn't there anymore. She quickly looked around. He was nowhere in sight. She felt a cold shiver run down her spine, she placed her purse back on her shoulder and ran to the door of the building she buzzed on number 6 non-stop till the door clicked open. She ran up the stairs as fast as she could, before she got to the last floor she heard her door open. She ran and saw Lucas peek out the door and she slammed into his arms.

What's going on? Asked Lucas as he wrapped Rachel into his arms. She was shivering and out of breath.

I.. I.. Walked home... I saw ... a gang... this... this... guy... walked me home...

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