Chapter 10

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Dean woke up with the worst hangover, his mouth was dry and his eyes took a while to focus with the sun seeping through the curtains. He sat up and moaned as his brained ached from the movement. He blinked and focused on a grinning Sam who was sitting on the edge of his own cot.

What's got you all cheery? He asked his voice weak.

Rachel kissed you. He said enjoying the surprise face Dean was giving him.

She told you? He asked too loud and winced.

Yeah, well Jody started interrogating why you were passed out upstairs and Rachel cracked... She hasn't come out of room since.

Dammit. Swore Dean swinging his legs out of bed sitting on the edge.

It's not what you think... She fell asleep while we were watching a movie downstairs. She started... dreaming and when I woke her up, she thought she was still dreaming and she... kissed me.

Oh... Said Sam a little disappointed.

Don't you think you both are blowing this a little out of proportion? Yeah ok she kissed you while she was sleeping, maybe she was dreaming of Lucas—

She was clearly not dreaming about Lucas. Dean said. Sam looked confused then his eyes widen

Oh! You mean, she was dreaming of... you? Asked Sam and Dean nodded but put a hand on his head wincing again.

How can you be sure?

She was moaning my damn name Sam. Dean answered wanting this conversation to end.

Sam mouth opened and started getting the awkwardness they were having that night.

It gets worst. Dean thought if he were to embarrass her, he mind as well throw himself under the bus as well.

How? Sam asked not sure he wanted to know any more.

I got... caught in the moment and started kissing her back. She came to, when I came to my senses and pulled away.

Sam stayed quiet but Dean knew his brother wasn't exactly proud of him at the moment.

I know! I'm... disgusting. I took advantage of the situation. I swear I tried to wake her up but once she was... I lost it. I gave into it. I was wrong and I hate myself for it. Dean said with a disgusted face.

Sam sat nodding to his brother. He didn't know what to say to him. He knew Dean never took advantage of any woman, sure he never called them back but they were all consented. He actually felt bad for his brother.

What are you going to do?

I'm going to take lots of pain killers and some coffee, get this mother of a hangover under control and go talk to her. He said getting up from the cot.

Each step Dean descended felt like his brain was smashing itself in the back of his skull. He made his way to the curtains in the kitchen and shut them tightly. He poured his coffee and got the pills out from the top cabinet, he shook five out and chaste it with his coffee emptying his cup. He filled himself a second cup when he heard someone come in. He turned to see Rachel who was looking at her feet while she made her way next to him and poured herself a cup. He was almost relieved she didn't seem ready to talk to him, avoiding eye contact. She opened the fridge and poured cream into her cup and walked off into the living room, passing Bobby but never looking up.

Morning sunshine! He greeted Dean loudly. Dean returned him a pleading look to which Bobby chuckled.

What was your poison last night?

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