Chapter 9

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  Rachel felt warm, rough hands caress her stomach, hot breath tickling her neck. She kept her eyes closed enjoying the feeling. She pressed herself against a hard body getting a moan in respond. The hands made their way up to cup her breasts. In one swift move she was turned on her back and lips were crushing against hers. She wrapped her arms around a neck keeping him close not wanting to pull away. As the kiss deepened she wrapped her legs around the hard body and felt it's arousal pushing against her. She rubbed herself against it and heard another moan.

God, Rachel. She heard as the kiss was broken.

She opened her eyes and saw bright green ones staring back at her.

Dean?! She asked her whole body tensing up.

What's wrong? Asked Dean, worry clearly written on his face.

Rachel woke up gasping. Her heart was pounding. She took a minute to calm down, happy no one was busting down her door like the last time. Her body was still aroused by the dream. She quickly got out of bed and grabbed a change of clothes, making her way to the bathroom to take a cold shower. When she opened the door she came face to face with a very naked Dean. She froze. her eyes ran over his muscular, wet body and she felt the heat rise on her face as she fiercely blushed.

Good morning! Dean grinned at her enjoying the effect he was having on her.

Oh dear god... Slipped out of her lips before she grabbed the door and slammed it shut.

Oh god. She said to herself wanting to run back to her room but her whole body wasn't responding.

The door opened and Dean walked out wearing a towel, just like her first dream. She avoided looking at him again.

You know if you wanted to share the shower all you had to do was ask. He teased

Next time lock the door. She managed to say before slipping into the bathroom and making sure she locked the door before leaning against it catching her breath. She heard Dean laugh as he walked away.

Asshole! She hissed to herself.

Once out of the shower and dressed she made her way downstairs where all the men were settled researching. She made herself a coffee and leaned against the doorframe watching them concentrating on their work, sipping her hot coffee. Her eyes lingered to Dean, she couldn't freak out around him like she did yesterday. It was bad enough she really saw him naked. She quickly continued to scan the room, feeling the heat rise up to her cheeks at the thought of him naked. She took a deep breath and walked into the living room.

Any lead on where Legion could be? She asked to no one in particular.

Castiel's gone to see if he can get a trail on him. Answered Sam.

Isn't there a spell we could use to summon him? She asked.

You're kidding right? Asked Sam

There is but, it would be suicide, we need more info. If we attack blind... We ain't got a lick of a chance. Explained Bobby.

Haven't you been researching for the pass three months? We still got nothing. What other options do we have? She asked raising her voice frustrated, which surprised them. Usually Rachel would just go along with whatever they were doing or making her do.

Woah, what's the rush sweetheart?

What's the rush? How about a couple of angels want me dead? Or that if we go to legion, he'll probably get the heads up before we actually make it to him? I say we summon his ass to us and we go one on one.

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