Chapter 7

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The next morning everyone was up early. Sam and Dean loaded the impala while Rachel helped Bobby making breakfast. They all sat down and ate. They all helped clean up and Rachel walked the boys to the car.

Well, you guys be safe. She said hugging Sam.

We will sweetheart, you do the same. Called Dean sliding in the driver's seat.

I left you a phone on your bed, there's our numbers in it. You need anything, call us. I'll call to check up anyways. Said Sam ending the hug.

Thanks. She smiled at him.

Sam returned her smile and got into the car. Dean started the engine and pulled out of the drive way. She waved till the impala was out of sight. She took a deep breath and walked right into Castiel.

Son of a bitch! You're going to give me friggin' heart attack you know that!?

I apologise. Said Castiel.

What's up? She asked knowing he had popped by for a reason.

I was thinking you might want to practice your fighting, then, we can try and meditate. Bobby wants to start teaching you Latin too.


Weeks went by and Rachel was getting better at fighting and was able to throw Castiel around as she wished. He had become her personal punching bag. She would mess him up and then fix him right back up. Her dreams were always there, Castiel taught her how to try and block them with a bit of meditation. It would work but only for a night or two at a time. Sam called her every now and then. They were on their fifth case. They couldn't finish one Bobby would get wind of another and as soon as they finished one, they would hit the road and start a new case. She would help with research for Bobby when he asked her to. Other than that Rachel really missed the bothers. She couldn't wait for Sam to call her and tell her about what they did, how they killed the baddie. Usually they would talk when Dean was out at a bar trying to pick up some chick. She even told him about her nightmares and Sam opened up about Jessica and she didn't feel so alone. Sam also blamed himself for her death and it haunted him just as much as it did her. But he did make a point saying he had to forgive himself to stop dreaming about her. That she had to do the same.

That night Rachel sat on her bed, Indian style, in her black laced nightgown. She concentrated on her breathing and nothing else. She saw colors swirl around and behind that, was like a movie playing in her head. She started focusing on the images and it cleared up to show Sam and Dean fighting three demons. They were bloody and bruised. One demon flew Dean across the warehouse and another kicked Sam's leg in and with a crack he fell to the ground screaming in pain. She focused more and started to breathe more heavily. In her mind she made two of the demons fly into the wall. The third one, surprised, tried to grab her from behind. She head budded him and he let go of her. She turned around and kicked him in the gut. With one hand She held onto the demon. She noticed gunshot wounds on his chest and knew the body was dead. She backed away and flew him where the two other demons were. She quickly scanned the warehouse and Sam Called her name. She turned to him and he threw her his demon blade. She caught it and ran towards the demons. She easily stabbed the two demons and the third one threw a punch at her. She punched back and then he threw himself at her. She fell on the ground and was surprised she felt a sharp pain in her back, this hallucination she was having was quite realistic. She managed to kick the demon off of her and plunged the demon blade in the neck. Light flickered before the body fell to the ground. Rachel stared at the blade waiting for the colors to start swirling in her mind.

Rachel?! Asked Dean as he tried to pull himself painfully up, but failed and dropped back onto the ground.

She turned to him a shock look on her face. She looked at her surroundings and realised she was actually in a warehouse, in her laced nightgown. She dropped the knife and quickly got to Dean. She kneeled to his side and placed a hand on his chest. She closed her eyes and felt Dean's wounds fade away. Once she opened her eyes Dean was completely healed staring at her in confusion. She left his side and kneeled to Sam's side. In a moment she healed his broken leg and he sighed in relief.

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