Chapter 4

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  Rachel woke up from the couch, she was surprised how tired she was even after being out for eight days, she spotted a couple of bags near her bed and decided to go through them. She found shampoo, soap, deodorant, a tooth brush and a hair brush. She opened the next bag and it had sweats inside. She took a strand of her hair and it was caked up in blood. She quickly took the two bags and made her way to the bath room. For the first time she noticed she was wearing similar sweats than those she found in the bag. Castiel must have cleaned her up and changed her into those sweats. Somehow it didn't bother her. He did save her life and kept her alive for 8 days. She slowly took off her sweat shirt and gasped as she saw big ugly scars on both of her arms, her chest had similar scars, her left shoulder had a healing wound. Flashes of her being tortured passed through her mind. She noticed her stomach also was dressed in scars. Some, completely healed, others, not quite. She heard echoes of herself screaming in pain in the back of her mind. She grabbed the sink as she felt overwhelmed by emotions. She took calming breathes before looking at herself in the mirror. Her usual bright grey eyes were now dark and dull. Her hair seemed black with all the blood caked into it. She had dark pockets under her eyes, one eye was swollen from the hits she received and her skin was a palette of yellow, green and blue. She quickly looked away from the mirror. Every time she saw a new bruise or cut her mind would recall her of how it got there. She took off her sweat pants and didn't bother looking down. Started the shower and was happy to find it actually had hot water and stepped inside. She closed her eyes as she felt the hot water wash away the blood from her hair. She rubbed her hair and let out a small gasp. She looked at her fingers and saw raw tip, remembering when the demon had pulled out her nails one by one. Still, she was thankful he had not chosen her teeth. She washed her hair rubbing the shampoo on her head with the palms of her hands. She slowly washed her bruised body carefully rubbing her cuts. She got out, grabbed a towel and patted herself dry. She got dressed in the black sweats and brushed her teeth and hair before getting out of the bathroom. She jumped as she saw Castiel standing in front of her.

I see you found the supplies I have left for you.

Yeah, thanks. The shower felt great. I didn't realise how much, blood I had on me... She wrapped her arms around herself.

I have to bring you back to Sioux fall. There we can start your training. You will stay at Bobby's. It is safe there.

Great! Carly must be going nuts not knowing what happened to me...

No one must know you are back, Rachel. It is as much for their own safety then it is for yours. Demons are probably watching your friend as we speak. Waiting to see if you show up. He explained sternly.

Rachel paled as he explained it. He was right. They took Lucas, they can take Carly.

What if they already have Carly? She asked frantically.

She is safe. She is worried about you. But she is will be okay as long as you stay away. Rachel nodded at Castiel, her eyes watering up.

I brought you something to eat. You should rest after. Tomorrow we will go to Sioux fall and start training you.

Dean pulled into Bobby's driveway. Bobby had called right after they caught the werewolf and shot him dead with three silver bullets. He shook his brother awake before making his way into the house. Bobby was sleeping on the couch and woke up when Sam closed the door behind him.

So we're here. What the big fish? Dean asked as he dropped on the couch, next to Bobby. Bobby rubbed his face with both hands. He stood up and stretched facing both brothers.

Well Cas popped by. Seems heaven didn't have enough faith in you two saving the world. So they made a weapon strong enough to destroy Lucifer and bring into the world a new kind of warriors to cleanse the earth of evil.

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