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My darling

Are the best thing

to ever happen to me

I was really scared at first

More scared than I have been

In a long while

Because "dating" was

Such a big word

But over time you

Qualmed those fears

And I felt I was ready

To be yours

I have been so content ever since

You held me as I cried;

As I shook in this small body;

As I laughed;

And as I made god-awful puns

You introduced me to the music you liked and

The tv shows you enjoyed and

I realized our tastes are

Very, very similar

We spent hours lounging on the couch

Watching dragon ball z from the beginning

And I asked you so many questions and

You answered them patiently

You brought me flowers after I got my wisdom teeth removed

I was a ball of pain and my face was

The size of a balloon, but

You still wanted to make sure I was

Resting and taking it easy

You still teach me to love myself and

Being "thankful" doesn't even begin to cover it

"untitled" - A life in poemsWhere stories live. Discover now