CHAPTER 10 - Beach Episode

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They surely didn't expect this.

There were crabs. Big crabs. The crabs that looked like they could possibly be the cause of your death. Minko slowly walked up to the crabs. The crabs noticed her and menacingly clapped their claws. Minko let out her hand as a sign of peace. Some crabs let down their claws but one..

One straight up went to her hand and squished her hand with one of his claws. She screeched in pain. Minko tried removing it but it was tight. Koko quickly used her staff and hit the crab. The crab died and all of the other crabs quickly ran away.

Potato and Dirt helped Minko with her wound and Koko points out: "Lychee isn't with us.."

Oku looked around and saw him making a sand castle "He's over there" He pointed. Techno making holes in the sand. Bonk was sleeping next to Lychee and Fundy was sitting on a rock.

Lychee was making a sand castle when Minko kicked it. "That's what you get for calling me forgetful in the morning." Lychee was mourning over his fallen castle as Potato, Dirt, Koko, and Oku were talking on what to do.

Lychee stood up and it seemed like Techno was trying to keep him down. Lychee glared at Minko with a look of "bitch you are about to die"

Lychee, who learnt how to control his wither while he was alone in the lake, used it to his advantage. Lychee grabbed Minko and dragged her, and then threw her into the salty sea, "GET FUCKING ISEKAI'D BITCH!" Lychee yelled. "HAHA, UNO REVERSE CARD!" Minko got up from the sea and threw Lychee into the water. "SHI-"

Oku yelled for them to stop and Koko just used her powers to bring them to shore. And it was already sunset.. great. Wasted time.

Koko and Oku started lecturing the two when Lychee realized he lost his crown. Lychee turned his head in an attempt to find it floating somewhere in the sea, and he sees something yellow floating in the sea.

"mY CROWN-" Lychee cried out, completely ignoring Oku who was lecturing him. It was out of range and Koko couldn't reach it with her staff. The water was extremely deep as well.

Lychee started crying over the loss of his fallen castle, and his crown. Lychee was still crying as the sun went down and Minko was patting his back. Suddenly, Techno oinked. They all turned to him, except for Potato who just went into the sea to try and get the crown-

They all look and realize Techno was wearing the crown. "How the fu-" Oku coughed "I think the yellow thing we saw was just something else..." Koko pointed "Wait Potato went into the sea tho-"

Potato was far into the ocean and suddenly, before she went down to retrieve the yellow item, the waves splashed onto her and pulled her downwards. "wAAAAAAAA-" was the last thing they heard before everything went quiet.

She got stuck in some kelp and was unable to go back up. Her heavy sword was pulling her down as well. Potato realized she had a sword, and could cut the kelp. She was able to remove the kelp, and get the yellow thing. She went up and swam to shore, feeling drained after all the oxygen she lost.

She flomped onto the sand. The two healers began to panic, wondering if she was dead. Lychee started crying, blaming himself in the hole Techno made as Techno just looked at him in shame.

Oku and Minko set up camp.. Its too dark to do anything so they couldn't scavenge anymore. Even after making the camp Lychee was still in the hole, with Dirt and Potato trying to get him to go out.

Lychee looked up from the hole in an attempt to stop feeling so sad, and saw a small lake that was connected to the sea, it was more of an almost-enclosed bay, than a lake though. Although it was far, and hidden a bit by a mountain, it still looked amazing. Lychee started running to it, completely ignoring Potato and Dirt's surprised looks. Oku yelled "Lychee! Come he-" then Lychee just went straight past Oku.

Before Lychee could go further Minko grabbed him and dragged him back. "Wait- no-" Lychee got cut off.
"Lychee if you fucking die again I'm going to eat the flower you leave behind."

Lychee removed his precious red coat and karate kicked Minko's hand off of the coat and continued his way to the lake. When he got there, he saw fireflies flying about in the lake. The waterfall seeming to glow from the moonlight. Nature all around as almost the entire lake was surrounded by a steep cliff.

Oku was too tired to deal with Lychee's shit anymore and just slept.

Minko, with her assassin speed, she pulled a sad Lychee back into camp and shoved him into his tent then went to her own.

During the early morning, Lychee had snuck out of the campsite and went to the lake again. It was early so the sun wasn't blinding to the eyes. As he was sitting down peacefully, watching the waterfall flow down into the lake, he cleaned himself a bit using the water, when suddenly-

A hand flew on his eyes, a cloth covering his mouth. Lychee passed out and was dragged into the forest.


A few minutes later, the rest woke up. They slowly begin realize Lychee is missing. "Where the phock is the disease resistant fruit laddy?" Oku asked in an Irish accent. They all begin to talk about the missing idiot. "Maybe he went to the lake?" Minko suggested, thus leading them to the lake next to the beach.

Everyone was looking around for Lychee until they heard a gasp from Potato. Lychee's crown on the sand and a foot trail.

Koko was about to follow it when Oku said "We have to eat something idiot, better we don't die there because we have no energy." Oku makes some food with skill out of leftovers. "Potato, Koko, both of you are damage based." Oku pointed out as they ate. "What about Minko?" Potato asked. "She's also damage, but she's weaker than both of you." Oku replied. "I'll do the more difficult tasks then?" Minko asked. "Hmm, not really but then you would be the ones to clear the path for the others to enter." He said, finishing up his food. "I'll be outside of the entrance to watch." He said. "What about me-?" Dirt asked. "You could go with them as well or enter another way, or you could scout the area."


Heeyyyy y'alll-
Sorry if the perspective suddenly changed, like there's some 'You' in places where it should be 'They'.

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