chapter one

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Chapter 1 "I'll fight for you"

ft: Jailey, Milliot, Lander Saisy

The Lander PT
Satcy wouldn't Back down, Zander knew that. No matter how much Luke explained to her, She wouldn't understand. He didn't blame her though, who could give up someone like Luke? He was one of a kind. Zander rushed to the park where the club was meeting, he had purposely woke up at 5 just to stare at his ceiling and ponder over the fact that Stacy might win- he couldn't let that happen. Luke had KISSED him, usually when that happens- the others would back off- but Stacy wasnt that type of person. When he arrived at the bench as he expected- Luke was the only one there, he was a morning person (Unlike Zander who didn't like waking up early) Suddenly Zander had an urge of shyness- why? not even he knew.
"uhm....Hi Luke"
Luke who was currently distracted by the autumn trees looked towards Zanders Direction and smiled
"oh hey Zandy"
"L-luke i told you to stop calling me that"
Zander mumbled- but deep inside he loved it when Luke called him "Zandy"
"oh- sorry- you want me to call you something else-"
"N-no- it's fine."
They sat next to each other in a comfortable silence, waiting for the others.
"so.....Where's Hailey?"
At this Zander had to roll his eyes
"She came late yesterday because she was on a DATE with Jake. ever since they started dating Hailey doesn't seem to remember anything besides that walking disaster."
Zander grumbled angrily.
"haha~ Zander don't be so mad, at least their happy"
Luke's Laugh softened Zanders harsh expression
Then, Hailey Ran towards them, looking pretty tired
"Hows my favorite Couple doing~~~"
Hailey Teased them. and just as she expected- Zanders face went red
Luke just kind of stared down at this feet- blushing madly
"relax RELAX Zander- i was just teasing you- no need to go supernova on me"
Zander instantly calmed down (Mostly because Luke had his arm around Zander now)
When they all settled down after that incident Zander said
"i bet you 2 dollars and the last candy bar in the fridge that jakes going to be late AGAIN"
"Hmmm......i'm not betting against that- the chances are too high, I'll probably lose"
Then Jake sped towards them
"*Huff* hey guys-"
"don't be so surprised princess"

"well dang it- i could have won the bet ;-;"
Zander just stared at the two- teasing each other- they seemed happy, Zander smiled- just a bit- so only Luke could see.

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