'Life is a beauty contest'

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Sofia Young

Sofia sits on an arm of one of the sofa's in the common room as she sits and waits for the boys. She knew they would take longer today because Blaise and Theo were both hungover. A few people say hello to her as they pass her, Sofia would glance up from her book and offer them a friendly smile.

Sofia had been awake for almost two hours. She wakes up at the same time everyday so she can get up and do a work out. When you're at school, sharing a room with people it is a lot harder to exercise in peace and quiet. Then she showers and prepare herself for the day. This routine is something her parents drilled into her from a young age. Her father would make sure she excised and understood the importance of it whilst her mother told her that how she presents herself on a daily bases was the most important thing.

Life is a beauty contest sweetie. Sofia's mother says as they stand looking in a full length mirror. Her mother stroking Sofia's hair as she spoke. Sofia shook the memory out of her head just as Draco, Theo and Blaise walk into the common room. The boys knew she would be waiting for them, she always had to wait for them. That's why she always brought a book with her because she never knew how long they would take to appear.

"How are you reading at this hour?" Theo asks taking the book out of Sofia's hand. Theo flips the books around, reading the cover. He scoffs at the muggle author 'Oscar Wilde'. Sofia looks up at him and makes a grab for the book which is held over Theo's head. Draco and Blaise do not stop to watch them, heading straight towards the door.

"How are you this annoying at this hour?" Sofia replies making Theo smirk at her and hand the book back to her as she hops off the sofa's arm. Sofia hold the book tightly to her chest just incase Theo tries to take it from her again. It wasn't anything private or embarrassing she just didn't have that energy this morning.

"You know I can't wait for all the free periods" Theo states as he walks behind Draco and Blaise "I hope we have one today I need to nap" and then he lets out an over dramatic yawn. Sofia doesn't have any sympathy for him - he's only got himself to blame for being hungover and tired.

"What are you five?" Sofia asks as she pretends to be disapproving about Theo napping when in reality, she also naps. Blaise looks over his shoulder at them and chuckles quietly but Draco remains emotionless as he glances around at the other students. "You're supposed to study in your free periods" Sofia said making Theo roll his eyes at her as they turn into the main corridor and head towards the great hall.

The great halls ceiling was sky blue and streaked with white wispy clouds, just like the sky that peered though the high windows. The group walk over to the Slytherin table, greeting people as they made their way to the empty section next to Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle.

Theo and Blaise waste no time, piling sausages and eggs onto their plates immediately. Sofia watches them as their hands go back and forth between the breakfast food and their plates. Draco was slowly putting some food onto his plate, not as much as normal but enough to get him through until lunch. Sofia studied his face - pale and red rimmed eyes. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, maybe weeks. Sofia was worried about him. She knew something was wrong but she needed to wait until he came to her. If their was anything she learnt about being friends with Draco is that if you push him to talk, he'll push you further away. He had to come to you.

Sofia picks up a slice of toast and butters it lightly. She sits in silence as Blaise and Theo have a conversation about Blaise being made captain, talking about who they think will be trying out for the team, who will make it on the team from last year. Blaise had complete control over it so there was no doubt it would be a fair picking. Sofia hated Quidditch. She had spent most of her life at Quidditch games, or being the second proirity to Quidditch. Both her parents had played professionally, her mother only played for a year before she decided she rather be the wife of a famous sport mans. The life of luxury really appealed to Sofia's mother - she'd hardly did a days work in her life. She had written a few articles for Witch Weekly and Magical Motherhood but she didn't have a job. Her job was making sure her family stayed within the elite social circle. She isn't a very inspiring woman. No one that Sofia would want to idolise.

complicated | Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Theo NottWhere stories live. Discover now