'I'll protect you if you protect me'

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"Are you sure this is safe?" Blaise asks looking at the small White House. Doubt thread through his tone. Theo thinks it looks most ordinary, it's old and has an picket fence around the front garden, what looks like was once an apple tree sits in the centre of the garden as the stone path winds around it to the front door. It looks like the kind of house that is always cold, or smells like old people.

"It's called a safe house Blaise" Colette replies, she's still bitter because her dress got ruined from the muddy woods behind Sofia's house. Theo doesn't blame her - the dress is ruined but he does feel like there are more pressing issues than Colette's mud stained dress.

Theo watches as Sofia ignores them as she takes out her wand. She waves its, muttering something so lowly she might as well be doing wordless magic. If you blinked you would miss the waves of enchantments moving in front of them. Sofia opens the front gate that comes up to her hips and walks up to the front door. Theo has noticed that she's hardly said a word since they fled her home and she mentioned that her family have an safe house. It was once her grandparents house - where her father grew up. Sometimes Theo forgets that Sofia isn't from a long line of wealth and inheritance. Both sets of grandparents were average, maybe even slightly struggled to be average. That is why her parents are so obsessed with being so elite - proving they have the money to fit in.

The house isn't cold nor does it smell. Well it smells a little of dust but that is to be expected. Theo switches on the lights - they flicker and hum before they spread yellow lighting throughout the downstairs of the house. Theo looks around the open plan; everything is in one. The living room is where they stand, straight from the front door, the dining backs onto the living room then the kitchen is in the far right corner of the downstairs. The stairs run along the right side of the house, the first step directly next to the front door. Snug. Is how Theo would describe it.

Theo watches as Colette walks around the living room, peering at photographs that stand on top of the fireplace. Blaise has walked through to the kitchen in need of water after apparating. It always makes him feel queasy. Sofia walks in through the front door and looks at Theo. She offers him a smile which drops within an second before she turns to the door and puts an enchantment on it.

"Why do you have a safe house?" Colette asks looking over her shoulder at Sofia.

"It's just my grandparents old house. My parents used it in the first war as a safe house. I suppose they kept it just in case" Sofia replies with an unbothered shrug. "We should be okay here.. at least for a little while" She sighs and shivers her fingers brushing against her arms in attempt to warm herself.

"So what we're supposed to just go to sleep?" Blaise asks leaning against the kitchen counter. Sofia shrugs her shoulder as Blaise stares at her waiting for the answers. "We don't even know what we're running from."

They didn't see much of that happened at Sofia's house. They ran almost as soon as Draco left the bedroom. They ran back the back hallways and the outside steps into the garden. The garden was pitch black so they were able to get away unnoticed - through the woods where they apparated. Sofia's parents have charms on their house so that apparition cannot be used within the house - the driveway or the woods out the back are the closest you can get.

They did hear screams and sounds of glass shattering, shouts and cries that grew fainter as the ran towards the forest. None of them dared to look back at the sight. Theo can imagine it was pretty bad. Death Eaters don't tend to leave places in neat condition after they have visited.

"Well I don't think we're running from the mafia" Theo states dully. He knows that they are running from his father. There is no other reason as to why Draco would tell him to run first - before telling them all to run. Theo can sense it. It is a gut feeling but gut feelings are normally right. "We can't do anything at least not right now" Theo says with honesty as he looks at Blaise then Colette then Sofia.

complicated | Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Theo NottWhere stories live. Discover now