Part 4-Hatred

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~Bonnie's P.O.V.~

I was laying down in bed when I heard the door open then close. I assumed it was Freddy, so I paid it no mind. "I'm baack..." I heard the Marionnet's voice hiss and I just had time to scream, "Freddy!" before it stuck its lips on mine, cutting me off. "Bonnie?!" Freddy yelled, and I heard clanging as supposedly he dropped what he was doing and came running. I had my eyes shut tight in fear, and I heard Freddy's footsteps getting closer and closer by the second. Why does my room have to be so far from the kitchen? Marionette startled me by running his tongue along my bottom lip, asking for entrance. My eyes flew open and my mouth opened in surprise. It took the chance to dart his tongue inside my mouth, and at that moment Freddy came bursting through the door. It had only taken him a few seconds, but to me it had felt like hours. I whimpered into The Puppet's mouth, and gave Freddy a pleading look. I saw such hatred fill his eyes, and his eyes turned from their beautiful electric blue to fully black with a tiny white dot in the middle as his pupils. He took three large strides, then yanked Mario (Marionette's nickname) off me. The moment he did, I rolled over and started coughing my lungs out, as I was running out of breath while the supid Marionette was kissing me. I heard Mario make a frightened noise and then multiple sounds of punches, then a thud. By now my coughs had died off and I had my breath back. I pushed myself up in my bed and looked at Freddy's back, watching to see what he would do. He let out a long breath then sank to his knees. "Freddy!" I yelped, hopping out of my bed and running to him. "Freddy, are you ok?" I asked him worriedly. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired. I should be asking you the same thing." he said, looking up at me. "Well, I'm fine, except for the fact that I'm in shock that a guy I barely know just pinned me down and forcefully kissed me." I joked, trying to draw a smile out of him. He just sighed and looked down at his paws. "What just happened to me? I just ran in and saw that stupid puppet thing kissing you, and I don't know what happened next, I just saw black, it was almost like I was..." He trailed off at the end. I was so confused. "You were what, Freddy?" I asked, putting my paw on his shoulder. "N-nevermind. It'll sound weird because its true..." He muttered but I heard it. "Come on, Freddy! I promise I won't be weireded or grossed out." I said with a comforting smile. "Well, its because... I'm in love with you..." He said softly, tipping his hat down to cover his face like I did with my ears. I put a paw over my mouth and tears welled up in my eyes. So, all. This time he had loved me back... "I'm sorry..." He muttered sounding like he was going to cry, then made to get up, but I stopped him by grabbing both sides of his face and pulling him towards me, then I gently pressed my lips on his, and he drew back in surprise. After a moment, he relaxed and kissed back. We were broken apart by a groan from Mario. I whimpered and buried my face in Freddy's chest. I felt him put a hand on my head and hold me close to him to protect me. "Ugh, stupid bear. Where am I?" Mario asked, sitting up. His eyes widened when he saw Freddy, and he backed up a scooch or two. I turned my head a little bit so I could have better veiw, and Freddy grasped me closer to him. "Alright bear, we can do this the easy way, where you just hand over my boyfriend without a fight, or the hard way, where we fight for him. Which do you prefer?" Marionette asked, slowly standing up. "Well, I sure as heck aint gonna hand him over." Freddy said, letting go of me and standing up. Freddy's eyes turned balck again and Mario's left eye gained a white dot in the center of it. They both charged for eachother full speed and my eyes widened when I realized that Freddy's aim was off, and Mario's was spot on. "No!!!" I shouted, jumping in front of Freddy, bracing myself for the pain. "Bonnie, get out of the way!" Freddy shouted, but I just shook my head. An explosion of pain erupted in my stomach as Mario's punch hit and I crumpled to the floor. "Bonnie!" I heard Freddy yell then run over to me. "You see what you've done Marionette? Get away from us if you don't want this to happen again." He growled, and I heard Mario run out. Tears were streaming down my face and I was whimpering as Freddy pulled me in close to his chest. "I'm sorry, Bonnie..." He muttered into my ear and I forced a weak laugh. "No... This wasn't your fault. It was Marionette's." I said, trying to stand up. Freddy helped me up, but when I tried to stand up straight, the knot in my stomach forced me back over. "You need to lie down. You got hit pretty hard," Freddy told me, "and this time I'll be right there to protect you." I smiled as he guided me to my room. I collapsed on the bed and immediately felt asleep, exhausted from the days events.

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