Chapter 1: The Secret In The Plastic Container

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       Hello I'm Melody Cambridge. I'm 14 years old with an amazing friend group that I love to hang out with. I've always dreamed of being a national geographic explorer when I am an adult, but I'm not really sure what my parents will think about that. It have always been so rapped up in all my brothers activities, that I barely have time for myself anymore. For the first time, in what seems like forever, my friend group is going on a camping trip in Raelyn Forest. Although we will have to drive for about three whole hours. Knowing my parents and that they both hate to camp, my best friend Addison said her mom Mrs. Everson can drive us there. Today I planned to meet up with the girl portion of the squad so we could have a sleepover and maybe go outside and longboard in the fresh fall breeze. 

"Melody, come down your friends are here!" mother shouted from the kitchen.

"Yes mom, coming." I replied, running out my bedroom door, and smelling the wonderful smell of fresh cooked bacon. 

I quickly grabbed the front door handle and swung it open, to see my friend Addison standing on the wooden maple porch. Her mom always made fantastic chocolate chip cookies so I figured thats what was in the little plastic container she brought into the house.

"You can come set the cookies over here,"

"Oh no, these aren't any cookies... I found something in the woods today!" 

        I carefully took the container and set it gently down on the counter and grabbed a white plate for both of us. 

"My mom made eggs, hash browns, and bacon for lunch," I announced, giving her the plate.

"Oh thank you so much Mrs. Cambridge." She said, taking two pieces of the crispy bacon.

       The doorbell rang again and I noticed it was the other girls, so I darted across the wooden floor and slid to the door with my slippery socks. Once again I opened the door, just instead of Addison I saw my other two best friends, Aubree and Ivory. Running at Addison and I for hugs we had one short group hug.

"Guys I found something I think you all will think is pretty cool," Addison said glancing over to the countertop where the black plastic container sat.

"Oooooh, what is it Addi?" Ivory asked cluelessly, trying to look where Addison was looking.

"After we eat lunch I will tell you guys.... lets go eat some bacon!!" She said running over to her plate.

I handed out two more plates to Ivy and Aubree and then made my way to the circle table. I have no clue what is in that container that Addi brought, but I am sure that it is something important. After a whole conversation about Ivy's new crush, I saw Addison run over and grab the mysterious plastic container. 

"Ok guys.... I am going to reveal what is in here on three,"



"Three..........!" Addison took of the lid revealing some sort of key shaped object. 

"I thought it was going to be cool." Aubree said rolling her eyes.

"Wait, you haven't seen the whole thing yet!" She set the key on the table and told us why it was so important.

"It says Raelyn on it," 

"So?" Aubree asked, grabbing it off the table to examine it closer.

"It probably has something to do with Raelyn Forest!"

      We all got up from our seats and cleared our plates. I didn't know why Addison thought some stupid useless key was worth anything but I continued to play along with it to find out more.

"That looks super ancient Addi," I said glancing at the other girls, "why do you think it is important for anything?"

"Why do you care?" she looked at Aubree, "Obviously some people didn't."

I looked at Aubree to see how she would react to this, and surprisingly it seemed as if she didn't care at all! 

"Ok guys, calm down," my mom whispered, "you know... there are stories of a key from Raelyn that has some sort of importance there."

Ivy stood there, one arm leaning on the counter, inspecting the key from afar. "Where did you find it?"

"Well my mom got me a metal detector for my fourteenth birthday and I figured since it seemed worthless sitting in the garage, I would take it out into the abandoned lot next door to see if I could find any valuable stuff over," she nervously looked over at my mom and said, "Nobody has ever lived on that lot. All the people next-door say its haunted."

"There is no such thing as haunted, Addi." Ivy exclaimed as she set the key down carefully on the countertop.

"Wanna go up to my room? We can maybe paint our nails or play truth or dare!" I said trying to change the subject.

"Sure..." Addison said looking at everyone else.

"Ok!" Aubree and Ivy agreed and took the key with them.

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