Chapter 4: Pig

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Today was going to be a great day. I just got an A- on my science text, and I studied so hard. Anyway, it has been about a month since the sleepover, but I haven't seen it since. You're probably wondering what I'm talking about....... the key! I asked Addison to take care of it so it wouldn't get lost, but she left in here, in my house somewhere and I have to go look for it! 

"Melody, are you on your zoom class?" Mom shouted angrily from downstairs.

I quickly sprung out of my bed, remembering that halloween break was over. "Uhhhmmm," I whispered in my mind trying to think what to say, "Yea I'm getting on soon!" I shouted back trying to make it seam like I wasn't going to be late.

"Good... do you want me to bring up some pancakes?" She called less angry, from the bottom of the steps.

I love pancakes, but my teacher gets really angry when we eat on zoom, "I can't eat on zoom mom, my teacher gets mad when we do. She says it's not allowed." 

She didn't respond which made me question if she heard me or not, but then in the middle of my zoom class she walks in with a plate full of pancakes. Drenched in syrup and butter I took the plate and quickly turned off my camera so nobody would see. Almost immediately, my chat started blowing up with a bunch of private messages. When I went to look at them I thought to myself, "I wonder if they saw the stack of pancakes....". I opened up the chat and as I suspected, they all had saw. Frowning, I read some in my mind. "Eww" just saying ew has no context but what came after that really made me shocked. "Oink oink" .....It was from this girl named Mackenzie but everyone at school calls her Mac, like Mac-and-cheese. She was so popular and yet so mean and rude. I assume she was calling me a pig (for having a whole stack of pancakes on zoom) but I wasn't that angry it just was sad. Think about it... does that mean she has never had a stack of pancakes?! She always claims at school that she is dairy-free, nut-free, gluten-free, and she always brings homemade lunch. At first I thought she was joking, because one day she brought pizza in her little lunch bag, but turns out they have gluten and dairy-free pizzas. Anyway, the rest of them mostly said, "'yum' or 'can I have a bite' or something like 'do you eat that unhealthy everyday?' which was annoying." 

"Class is Dismissed." My teacher Mrs. Atoms said, in her low stern voice.

I shot out of my chair eager to find the key, but my mom stopped me mid-hall. "What is it mom?"

She looked mad at first but now I just couldn't tell.

"Melody..." She glanced around. "I just found the key Addison brought over in one of your jean pockets." She held it up in the air like a feather. "Did you steal if from her?"

"No! Of corse not!" I said, hardly believing what I just heard come out of her mouth.

She tossed the key to me, indicating that I should give it back which I was already going to do. As she walked away down the long hall to her room, I sprinted down the steps going to get my longboard so I could go give it back. I reached the garage door excited to go outside, but opening the door a huge gust of coldness swept inside reminding me to get a jacket, hat, and scarf. 

I raced out to where I always put my longboard but then I remembered something horrible. 

"It....." I started to cry feeling extra emotional, although I hardly cry anymore. 

I slowly approached the garage door opener and pressed it as if my fingers would break if I pressed too hard. I was so sad and I didn't want it to be... you know... hit by a car. I found it... in the exact place James had set it. The broke pieces of my longboard just made me tear up instantly. 

"Hahaha," Who was that? Who is laughing I thought, "aww no! Lookie here guys, the pig's longboard is broke!" It was Mac... you know, the one I told you about earlier. 

"Oink oin-"

"Please stop, Mac." I said quickly.

"Oh... oops! I didn't mean to offend you." She said sarcastically.

I wanted to go over there and launch her little dumb hot pink penny board down the hill and let it get hit by a car.

"How were those pancakes?" I glared at her and I saw her mouth 'oink' once more.

"I said," I looked at her more nice smiling, "please stop."

"Why are you smiling?" she said quickly in disgust.

"Well..." I want to say some major comeback planned in my head. Maybe something like, 'Because I am tired of looking ugly like you all day' but she wasn't ugly and that was a fact. "I just felt like smiling." At that second, even before she replied, I walked up to the garage door and shut the garage on her and walked inside.

How am I supposed to give the key to Addi?? Without a way to her house, I couldn't give it to her today which would probably make my mom think I stole it! I ran upstairs and whipped the door open immediately seeing my phone sitting on my white nightstand charging. I jumped onto my bed blankets making it all wrinkly. (Mom doesn't like them wrinkly) I quickly grabbed my phone, jerking it out of the charger. 

"ADDISON" I texted.

"My mom found the key!"

It took a while... maybe around 10 minutes for her to respond with, "Oh great😄" And to be honest, I thought she would be more excited.  

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