Chapter 6: Night before Raelyn

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How did it happen, you wonder? Well it all started with a trip to the store, but not any normal store, it was "the haunted store" we named it. We called it that because the lights would always flicker and go out in this one section of the store by the bathrooms and the back door exit. The exit had a huge red glowing sign that read "KEEP OUT" and it scared me. I know that this all sounded like a joke but then something abnormal happened, causing its name "the haunted store". Addison needed a new duffle bag, and the haunted store has everything you could imagine that exists, so obviously it had a duffle bag. Little did she know what was behind the "KEEP OUT" doors. Later after the incident the cops searched that room to find clues to what had happened and how. They found weapons.... they counted up 16 weapons total. Thats a lot of weapons! At lease four men lived in the "KEEP OUT" area, and just hearing that made me freak out. Then it happened... she got shot in attempt to save her son. Addison didn't tell me details, and I don't blame her. And then at that moment I realized that Addison's mom was going to drive us to Raelyn tomorrow! Addison needed that trip... and so did I. Dad was still here sitting on my bed, so I asked him.

"Hey dad.... uh so," I looked around pausing in between my sentence. "Can you drive my friends to Raelyn Forest tomorrow?" His dark brown eyes didn't meet my glowing blue eyes. 

"I will talk to mom." He replied, standing up dusting off his suit. "I will see you at dinner, and maybe then we will figure something out." He swiftly closed the wooden door leaving me and my thoughts alone in my room. 'Addison' my thoughts screamed at me, and in that second I whipped my self across my bed, flinging my arms towered my phone. 'ADDISON!" my thoughts screamed, almost putting me into shock.  I unlock my phone, and tensely tap the 'message' icon. 'Call her' my thoughts protested, so that's what I did.

"Hello? Addi?" I expressed, choking back tears. 

"He- hey Melody" she mumbled.

"Did you pack for Raelyn?" I wondered, not thinking. 

"Yea...." She answered, her tiny voice trailing off.

"Dinner is ready!" my mom called in the distance.

"Ok mom, be down in a minute!" I called back. "I have to go eat dinner." 

"Ok" Addison weakly whispered.

I ended the call feeling unsuccessful. I didn't even make sure if she was ok to go tomorrow! What was I thinking? I plugged in my phone and sluggishly treaded downstairs, dragging my slim fingers on the railing in despair. 

"Put the dishes away." My mom hissed. 

"Ok done." I replied about five minutes later.

"Go sit at the table, Addison is coming over for dinner." She said softly glancing in my direction. I looked awful but I didn't care, my best friend in the whole world was coming over. Then my mom shot me a look with daggers in her eyes, "Oh... and," she breathed. "Don't mention her mom." I nodded my head and sat down. After sitting in this leather chair for ten-ish minutes, I hear the doorbell ring. 'Addison' my thoughts screamed once more. I rushed out of my chair, running toward the door. 

"Sit down, Melody!" My mom said sternly. 'Continue running at the door and your mom will send them right where they came from' my thoughts screamed, but my legs had different plans. They uncontrollably darted strait at the front door! I stuttered to a stop when my mom swung it open, almost whacking me in the face. 

"Hello Mrs. Cambridge, and Melody." Mr. Everson greeted. 

"Hello Mr. Everson." I welcomed them inside. Something I noticed immediately was addison's necklace. She never wore any jewelry and everyone knew that. 

"It was from my mom, stop staring." she snapped. I redirected my eyes immediately, glancing around the room

"Here, I can take your coats." Mom smiled, and took them to the coat rack. Awkwardly locking the crisp cold air outside by shutting the door, I lead them inside. 

"Oh, uhhh Addi can sit next to me if she wants." I suggested. She nodded her head in agreement, and sat down at my left. Mr. Everson sat across from me, and his pale pink lips were smiling! If someone died I would not smile. It was a mysterious smile he had.... extremely unique. Disrupting my thoughts, mom walked in with dinner. The thing I dislike about mom is that she acts wonderfully nice around guests, and disturbingly rude around her own family.

"Dig in!" she commanded, sitting down at her seat. She always sat to the left of dad and I would sit to the right (and he sat at the head of the rectangle table) so Addison was to my left and she sat across from her dad. Unfortunately Leim didn't have anyone to sit across from. In result of the "accident" Addison's little nine year old brother is under shock, and brain damage occurred forbidding him to speak. 

"Please pass the bread, Melody." My mom asked. The thing is, I don't understand why she can't just grab it herself. I passed it into her fragile hand, but something I noticed was that she was shaking a little. She carefully placed some bread onto her plate, and passed it back to me. 

"So are you excited for Raelyn tomorrow, Addison?" My dad asked politely.

"Yes," She took a piece of bread and continued, "I already packed."

"I have a Sprinter Van, I could drive." Dad openly suggested.

"Thank you for the offer, Zane." Mr. Everson added, taking a bite of his bread. Zane is my dad's name but hardly anyone uses it. 

"Zane! You have work, did you forget?" Mom snipped.

"I thought I would just drop them off," He replied, not thinking that we still need a parent.

"I can drive them, if that's alright with you." Mr. Everson smiled, but something about his smile was sorta uncomfortable. 

"That would be great." Mom cut in. Then we all enjoyed the potato bacon soup and bread. It was freezing outside.... about 6 inches of ice-cold snow layered up, covering the dead grass.  Thank goodness we were going somewhere warm! 

"Goodbye Addi, see you tomorrow at 6am!" I mentioned, hugging her goodbye.

"Bye Melody!" She waved goodbye, and turned into the cool air walking to her car.

"So we are all going to her house at 5:30." I asked my dad, shutting the front door and locking it.

"Correct." He glanced at me, "Oh and make sure you have everything in the car by tonight."

"Ok I will make sure, love you goodnight dad." I responded, skipping up the steps to grab my belongings.

"Portable charger.... check!"

"Cheeze-its," I carefully tossed them into my backpack and then said, "check!"

"Water bottle...." I took my water bottle from its place on my nightstand and slid it into the backpack water bottle pocket, "check!"

"Help cleaning up dinner!" Leim barged in.

"I will sweep," I assured him.

"That's too easy-"

"Goodbyeeee." I slammed the door on him. 

"You are doing the dishes, Melody." My mom shouted, walking past my door.

"Ugghhhh," I sighed. It wasn't a big deal, but I did the dishes every night and I just wanted to do something different.

*36 minutes later*

"Phew.... done" I looked around at the clean kitchen, smiling. I swept up my headphones, put them on, took my phone out of my jean pocket, and played my favorite Spotify playlist. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2021 ⏰

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