Chapter 3: Sleepover

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I walked slowly up to mother. Choking back my tears, I tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around with a knife in her hand.

"Oh dear, sweetie what is wrong?" She asked, placing down the knife on the cutting board.

"I...." I looked at her, my eyes glossy with fresh tears, "My longboard is-"

Then all of the sudden Ivy, seeing that I was struggling, helped me by saying, "She saved our lives... but her longboard was hit by a car." She announced quietly.

"Honey... it will be ok." My mom said, picking me up and wrapping her arms around me.  

We all went downstairs to the hangout room and set up our sleepover stuff. I felt better because I had told my mom, but that longboard was irreplaceable... I just meant to much to me to just forget about it. 

"You know what I think would help?" Aubree said looking at everyone.... no one replied so she went on, "I think a nice Christmas movie would cure the sadness." 

"Christmas?!?! Its still early September!" Addison said laughing.

Soon everyone including me started laughing at Aubree, and just like that I felt no need to be sad. "So.... Ivy....." I winked and she put a blanket over her head embarrassed. 

"What?" She replied sarcastically.

"Soooooo... you and Le-" 

"It's not anything, we are JUST FRIENDS." Ivy interrupted.

Addison, Aubree, and I all looked at each other with the same "it's obvious" look.

"Ok, can we watch Christmas movies now?" Aubree asked completely serious.

"Christmas movies- Christmas movies- Christmas movies-" Ivy mocked, her voice muffled by the blanket that still lay over her head.

"Hahaha, lets do it!" I agreed.

"WhAt?" Ivy flung the blanket forward,  it into Aubree's face.

We all started laughing. Right when I turned on the TV, I heard my mom call down the steps, "Dinner is ready!" So we all got onto our feet and ran upstairs shouting, "Last one sitting down at the table is a rotten egg!"

I guess I'm a rotten egg now, but the food at dinner was delicious. A crispy rotisserie chicken, with potatoes, carrots, and my favorite yeast rolls.  After dinner my mom felt better because she saw me having fun again, even though she knew the pain I felt when 'it' happened. 

      After we cleaned up dinner and headed back downstairs, Aubree lurched forward in her beanbag, grabbing the remote.

"About those Christmas movies....."

We all said no, and Ivy hates Hallmark even though I think it has some decent movies. We picked a movie soon after, that we had found on Netflix but I fell asleep and forgot what it was about. I woke up first and went to gab some popsicles upstairs for all the girls, when I almost immediately felt like something was wrong. Looking around suspiciously, my eyes  flew past the window. There was someone in our backyard... I obviously didn't know who. I ran back down the steps without the popsicles, and woke everyone up with fear in my eyes. 

"Ther-" I panted, "There is... there is someone-"

"Spit it out, Melody!" Aubree said impatiently.


"It's probably some guy your dad hired to cut the grass, or something." Addison said franticly, trying to calm me down.

"Addison... I think you forgot that the grass is yellow and dead already..." Ivy had a concerned tone in her voice, so I could immediately tell what she was going to say next.

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