Chapter 2: When 'it' Happened

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    We all jumped onto my furry blankets on my bed and then all the sudden something really bad happened.... my brother Liam invaded our space. He is nine years old and when its the first time I am hanging out with the girl squad I wanted him to not get in our way. I tried to convince him there was a werewolf outside but just by glancing outside he realized I was lying.

"Liam, we are going to go talk about boring stuff now so please go." I begged him.

"But sis I wanna be with you guys!"

"You can play with us tomorrow!" I said cheerfully, as he walked away.

I stood up and shut the door and locked it saying, "This is a privet meeting...."

After we got settled, Ivy pulled out the key from behind her back and examined it once again.

"Why are you getting so attached to that piece of junk, Ivory?" Aubree said, shooting a concerned look at Ivy.

"It not a piece of junk!" Ivy shouted, furious at Aubree. "Do you not see these markings! You must be blind."

Aubree snatched the key into her hands and held it close to her eye looking at it closely. "I'm not blind, besides it just looks like a bunch of scribbles."

Addison and I awkwardly sad there as this chaos took place, not knowing if we should say something. Finally Addison grabbed the key and looked at it saying, "It's called cursive. Did you never pay attention in Mrs. Emily's cursive class???" 

"It was too boring." She shortly answered, looking at Addison numbly.

"Well how about we.... uhhhh..." I didn't know what to say. I couldn't take it anymore so I just suggested, "Lets go and longboard."

We all ran to the garage, grabbing our longboards. As I was going to open the garage I heard Ivy shout, "We can't go out there..." I swung my head around to face Ivy looking though the window at some boys crossing the road. 

"Ivy.... are you kidding me." I whispered harshly, "It's not a big deal."

"Didn't you hear me at the table!!" she whispered back, "That is him..."

I looked out the garage window to see Leo riding his brand new skateboard he had gotten for passing all his classes last year. I do not know why Ivy, of all people liked Leo. I couldn't believe it. I quickly ran over to the garage opener and opened the garage.

"Oh hey," He called from down the driveway , "I didn't know you girls could ride."

Glancing nervously at me, Addison quickly said, "What have you never seen a girl ride before?"

Both Leo and his friend James (Aubree's brother) looked at each other and then said, "Well not really..." almost at the same time.

Ivy stepped back toward me and whispered in my ear, "If I embarrass myself, I'm going to never talk to you again."

Wide-eyed I grabbed my longboard and we all headed to the street. 

Right when I was about to tell Addison what Ivy had said I saw Leo and James fly past us, making me shiver from the breeze. 'Why did I open the garage Melody.... why why why.' I thought over and over in my head. Then interfering with my thoughts I saw the skatepark. This is where Ivy's friendship with me would die forever. 

"Addison.... Ivy said if she embarrassed herself, she would never talk to me again," I felt my eyes begin to water but quickly stopped myself as I heard what Addison was saying.

"You really think that Ivy would leave the group just because you opened a garage door!?" 

I paused and thought about how stupid that sounded and was convinced that if worst comes to worst, and she has a very embarrassing fail, I no longer thought she would leave the squad. 

I looked at Ivy and laughed... I have to say she did look very surprised but before I knew it there was a car. A big black Ram truck was going fast right in front of us. Thinking fast I grabbed both Ivy and Addison's arm and pulled them backward and I jumped hoping I would not die..... not today. Once I opened my eyes I saw Ivy and Addison sitting in the middle of the road shocked. I saw both of there longboards made it across safely into the hands of Leo and James. 

"Are you guys ok?" Leo questioned as he saw the road rashes they had gotten.

"Uh.. yea I'm fine. Thanks for asking." Ivy shyly looked at him blushing a little. 

He reached out his hand and helped her up, and James did the same with Addison. When they were all on there feet I stood up by myself, struggling not to cry. It was my longboard.... smashed in the street. The design I had loved so much split into billions of splinters and the clear purple wheels rolling across the road. I fell to my knees and simply just... sat in my thoughts. Addison and Ivy had not yet discovered it, and ran over to me anyway. 

"Why so blue?" Ivy said, "Oh I will still talk to you... I'm not mad! You saved my life Melod- " She stopped mid-sentence as Leo grabbed her arm and turned her around to face the street where 'it' had happened. Aubree approached from behind me and didn't say anything, just helped me to my feet again. James went and grabbed the big chunks of my loved longboard and carried them back to the house along with his own skateboard. We all silently walked back, as sadness gripped my heart and forced me to let streams of salty water go streaming down my face. Nobody knew I was crying, for I thought it would be best to just hang my head low so they didn't realize. 

"I have to go eat dinner... bye guys." James said placing down the longboard pieces next to the garage. "Come on, lets go" he whispered to Leo. 

"Uh, ok be there in a sec." He replied looking back at Ivy. "I.... I hope your friend gets better." he said awkwardly. 

"Yea... I'm sure she will get over it." I heard her say as she placed her hand on his shoulder. 

"I should get going now..." He said looking at everyone.

"Oh ok... cya later." She said, quickly taking her hand back trying not to act weird.

I heard him walk down the driveway and then a faint, "Bye." in the distance.

We all crowded through the door, everyone setting there longboards down carefully. My mom was in the kitchen making dinner and my dad was helping Liem with school in the office. I didn't know how to tell them, but I knew I should tell mom first. 

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