Chapter 15

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(Writing this while school is going on so sorry if it dosent make sence lmao. Also istg if this isnt over 1000 words i will scream legit on my school call 😁)

Charli pov:
I was cuddling with Chase when I realized today I am leaving to go back to Connecticut, I am going to miss the hypehouse a lot. Since I remembered that I couldn't go back to sleep so I just layed down and thought about stuff. I guess Chase woke up too because he said "good morning Char how are you" "I'm ok how about you" I say in a sad tone of voice "your not ok don't lie to me. Whats wrong?" Chase says "well I'm suppose to go back to Connecticut today" I say "oh. Don't worry I'm sure we will see eachother again soon" Chase says "but soon is to long" I say "I know. Lets just hope the days and weeks will go by fast and we will be able to see eachother again" Chase says "ok" I say. I was about to get out of bed when I beard my phone ringing. I pick up my phone and it is my mom. I answer it and say "hi mom! How are you?" "Hi hun! Me and your dad are good how about you and everyone else?" My mom says "were all good! Whats up?" I say "well me and your dad have seen how much you are having fun in LA and we were thinking about buying a house there! How would you like that?" My mom says "ahhh omg I would love that! Have you bought a house yet?" I say "acutally we have, thats the next thing we were gonna ask you. Do you wanna live in the house we bought or in the hypehouse?" My mom says "well I'll live with you guys and vist the hypehouse if thats ok" I say "sure thats completely ok! If you could tell Dixie that would be great, we tried calling her but I think she shut off her phone" My mom says "sure I was going to anyways. Thank you so much mom! Love you and see you soon!" I say "yep! Were getting a moving truck to help us move the stuff to the new house. We should be moved in atleast in two to three days" my mom says "ok sounds good! Bye mom love you" I say "love you too" my mom says and I hang up.

Chase pov:
Charli gets off the phone and starts jumping up and down. "Whats up?" I say. She stops jumping and says "My parents are moving here!! Which means I'm going to get to vist here whenever I want without having to take a airplane! I'm going to live with my parents but I'm going to vist here a lot more now!" Charli says "Yay! That's awesome! I'm so glad I'm going to get to see you more! Are you still going back to Connecticut to help out with moving or no?" I say "well my mom didn't say anything about that, I'm guessing if she needs my help she'll text me and I'll go back and help her" Charli says "ok yay!" I say. I'm so glad I get to see Charli whenever I want now, to be honset I was really sad about her leaving. So I'm glad she's not leaving. "I am going to see if my sister is up so I can tell her" Charli says "Ok" I say. She leaves my room and I wait for her to come back.

Charli pov:
I go to my sisters room and knock on her door. She answers and says "good morning Charli. Whats up" "I have something excited to tell you!" I say "wait are we suppose to go back to-" Dixie says before I cut her off and say "yeah but thats part of the good news!" I say "ok then come sit down on my bed and we can talk" Dixie says "ok" I say. We both sit down on her bed. "So mom just called me to tell us that her and dad are moving to LA and that we can live with them and vist the Hype house! Which means we don't have to go back today!" I say "yay! That's cool. Now we don't have to go far to get here" Dixie says "yeah I know!" I say "thanks for telling me" Dixie says "Your welcome" I say with a smile. I walk back go Chase's room and give him a hug.

Chase pov:
Charli gives me a hug so of course I hug her back and I give her a kiss on her forhead. "You know your to adorable for this world" I say "aw, but I'm far from being as cute as you" Charli says "oh but your way cuter then me trust me" I say "nooo" Charli says "yesssss" I say. We both laugh and the rest of the day is a pretty chill day.

Hi guys! So I'm realllllly hoping this is over 1000 words. This is kinda a filler chapter so sorry if it's short. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter as much as I did writing it! Ily all and PEACE!

Word count: 889 (sadddddd)

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