Chapter 9

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Ack,sorry for the late chapter. my little brithers birthday showed up out of no where so i was busy. When we asked for what he wanted on his cake he said him so the cake had his face on it and honestly it was a bit creepy. I also apparently started a thing in my family for who gets eyeball cake when i had a 2p Iggy cake last month. it was creepy and i was very happy about cutting his face and then eating it. Ciao- Sachiko<3

After breakfast you both did the dishes together and then watched television. You let him pick a movie on Netflix and to your surprise it was Frozen. You had no idea he like the Disney film and he was a blushing mess when he picked it. You grinned at the fact that his face could have blended in with a fire truck and smirked when he tried to hide in a pillow.

“I had no idea you liked movies like this. Frozen is one of my favorites too.  And you don’t have to hide because you’re blushing. It’s a good movie and you look cute when your face is on fire like that.” You said this as you felt your face heat up a tad as well.

“Oh and by the way sorry for drooling on you last night, I can wash that sweater for you if you want.” “Don’t worry, its fine, I didn’t mind and im glad you don’t think im weird for liking this movie. All the snow reminds me of my home country and I like the songs that they sing.”

He replied still a bit pink but not hiding in the pillow anymore. You pressed play and were soon absorbed in the story you had heard many times before.

When the movie got to the point when Elsa was singing Let It Go you noticed Russia quietly humming the tune with the movie and before long you were both loudly singing with the movie, voices melding perfectly as you repeated the words you had both long ago memorized.

It was a little awkward at first but you soon relaxed and started spinning around and dancing. Ivan got up and joined you, spinning around and singing. Once the song was over you both collapsed in a fit of laughter, blushing a bit but extremely happy. “Wow you’re really good at singing Vanya, it was beautiful. You should sing more often. And you’re a good dancer as well.”

“Aww, Spasibo (F/N), although I don’t think im all that good. I just really enjoy that song and you started humming so I joined in. Your singing is so wonderful. One day I want to hear more if you wouldn’t mind, Da?”

At this you blushed and looked down, he wanted to hear you sing more and this flattered you beyond belief. “One day maybe, I will sing more but only if you sing too” “It’s a date then” He said rather confidently for the level of red his face was turning, but you weren’t much better off. To avoid any more awkward moments you both turned back to the movie.

Towards the end of the movie you glanced over to Russia and saw tears in his eyes, and when Anna had frozen a few slipped down his cheeks. He saw you looking and wiped his eyes quickly, pretending it hadn’t happened. “Don’t worry Ivan, I won’t tell anyone you cried during the movie, I do sometimes too.”

You squeezed his hand for a second but let go quickly for fear of him realizing your crush. In your brain you were playing that earlier conversation through your mind, wondering what he meant by ‘It’s a date’.

You figured he just said it as a figure of speech, nothing more. You knew he didn’t have feelings beyond best friends for you and refused to let yourself get your hopes up. You got an idea for what to do for the rest of the day that would let him hear you sing and be really fun as well.

“Hey Russia do want to hold a party? We could have karaoke so we can sing, you’re a great cook so we would have food, Japan and Hungary can call all of our friends so that’s invitations covered, and nobody has to dress up or anything, it would just be casual or maybe costumes or something. I think it would be a lot of fun.” 

Sorry if you dont like Frozen but it was super cute so i had to put it in. Next chapter will be up in a couple days. And has anyone guessed what anime/game my name is from? Lemme know in zhe comments. Ciao-Sachiko<3

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