Music Can Hurt

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Here is the second chapter of this book! I hope y'all enjoy!

Twenty-five Years Later Brought To You By Sonic: Where the Ice Cream Machine Never Works

Julie Molina lost her mom a year ago. Her mom was her anchor, her rock and now that she was gone, everything was different. She no longer that the courage to sing or play piano. She didn't listen to music. She didn't write it. It was as though music died with her. She wasn't herself any more. She couldn't bring herself to go into her moms studio and her father knew it. Now they were moving. Moving is only going to help move on was what their Tia said. Carlos, Julies brother, and her father, Ray, didn't want to move but they knew that it was best for Julie so they went with it and supported Julie throughout the year her mom was gone. But now back to our four lovable ghosts.

Summer and her bandmates had been stuck in a dark room for what felt like an hour and it was slowly driving Summer insane. Being in the dark and the silence was torture to her but mostly it was Alexis crying. It was starting to get on her nerves. When she couldn't take it anymore she walked over to Alex and sat beside him, rubbing his back to soothe him. He just wrapped his arms around her waist and cried into her shoulder. Summer hugged him back and whispered sweet things into his ear ignorer to help calm him down.

"Shh... its alright Alex, it's alright. We'll figure out where we are and whats happening soon enough, don't you worry," she whispered.

"I'm not worried," came his choked out reply. "Because I'm with you." Tears welled up behind Summers eyes before she hugged the boy tighter and let the tears break.

"Oh Alex. What did I do to deserve you?" she asked, tears still running steady paths down her cheeks.

"You were yourself, thats what." Summer chuckled before pulling away and resting her head on his shoulder, as his arm wrapped around his waist. They two sat like that for awhile, just relishing in each others companies tears still streaming down their faces. Eventually their tears stopped but that didn't mean they let go. They just sat there, content, wondering how on earth they managed to be handed the best best friend in the world.

Okay hi. NO this isn't the end of the chapter, i just want to say that I am sorry for all of the skips that are happening in this chapter. Anyway enough of me interrupting.

Julie walked along the halls of Los Feliz High School, her head down. She stopped at her locker, opening it before the voice of her best friend, Flynn, cut through her thoughts.

"Hey under achiever."

"Hey disappointment," replied Julie, a small smile coming to her lips as she looked at her bff.

"Okay," started Flynn. "I know you don't want me asking you this but do you know what you're gonna do today?"

Julie inaudibly sighed before replying, "I'll know in the moment."

Flynn gaped at her, not believing what she said. "Really Jules? That's all your giving me?" she asked, hoping that Julie would tell her what she was actually gonna do. "Ms. Harrison said that this is your last chance." she said, emphasizing the word 'last.'

"I know, I was there," was all Julie could get out before an obnoxious giggle cut through the air accompanied by the voice of the one and only, Carrie Wilson.

"Ugh! What is she handing out?" asked Flynn as they looked over at Carrie who was handing out flyers for the Pep Rally tomorrow to the students around her.

"Desperation?" snickered Julie as Carrie walked over.

"Here you go," Carrie handed both of them a flyer as she was talking. "My groups performing at the spirit rally tomorrow. I'm sure you have nothing better to do." she said as she looked both of them up and down.

"Oh my gosh Carrie, thanks," came Flynn's sarcastic response that also sounded as though she was mocking Carrie.

"Oh my gosh, Flynn! Don't bother coming!" and with that, the she-demon walked away, leaving both girls scowling after her. Flynn crumpled up her flyer as Julie started smiling at something, or more like someone.

"Nick?" asked Flynn, once she saw who Julie was looking at. "Still? You know they're gonna get married and have a bunch of unholy babies." she said, referring to him and Carrie.

"Nicks a sweet heart," retaliated Julie looking back at said boy.

"Yeah you'd actually have to talk to him to know that," stated Flynn as though it was the most obvious statement in the world. Julie, though she didn't want to, did have to agree. "And besides," continued Flynn. "Only one of them has to be a demon to make a demon child. Demon!" she yelled towards Carrie, causing her head to snap back towards them. They turned away in order to hide their laughter.

"Theres that smile," said Flynn, pointing to Julie who had a large smile on her face. "Now, lets go prove everybody wrong." And with that they headed off towards the music classroom.

Currently Nick was in the middle of his performance, his guitar sounds echoing through the classroom. Everybody clapped once he was done and a little 'Wow' could be heard from Carrie.

Ms. Harrison nodded in approval, "Nice job Nick. Almost as impressive as your game against Glendale," she said, causing everyone to chuckle before continuing, "Okay, we have on last performance. Julie." Julie looked up before standing up. She took of her baseball cap before she walked over to the piano, some sheet music in her hands. Nick gave her a small smile before going over and sitting down next to Carrie.

Julie sat her music sheet down before sitting upon the bench. She looked up at Ms. Harrison nervously, only to receive a reassuring smile from her teacher. "Take your time." Julie nodded before lifting the lid that rested over the piano keys up. She placed her fingers on the keys while everyone held their breathe in anticipation, but Julie couldn't do it.

She pulled her hands away from the keys before standing up and looking at Ms. Harrison. Flynn stood up and looked at Julie, her eyes silently begging her to play, to perform once more. "I'm sorry." Ms. Harrison, as well as Flynn, sighed looking at Julie crestfallen.

"Is this when we clap?" asked Carrie. Julie rolled her eyes before running out of the classroom while Ms. Harrison turned around to give her a pointed look.

"Watch it Carrie," snapped Flynn before she ran out of the classroom after Julie.

"Julie!" called Flynn as she ran behind Julie on the stairs. Julie paused and turned around to look at Flynn. "Girl, you better get back up here and you show them you can sing!" she stated, pointing back towards the music room.

"I've tried for myself," said Julie with tears in her eyes. "I've tried for Ms. Harrison, I've tried for you, I've tried for Dad and I've tried for Mom. For a whole year i've been trying. But I can't do this anymore. I can't, I'm done." Julie turned around, her tears threatening to spill over before she continued to walk down the stairs.

"Julie," said Flynn, hoping to stop her best friend. "Julie!" she called again, only for Julie to continue to run out of the school. Flynn sat down on the steps and hung her head. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Julie had said she was done and Flynn knew that she meant it.

Hey y'all! I hope that you enjoyed this chapter! Depending on how much I get done today there might be another chapter but it is highly unlikely. Sorry about that but anyway I hope you all have a great rest of your day/night/whatever time it is and that you stay safe! And please, please remember to wear a mask in public! It is crucial so that we can get back to our normal lives. That being said stay safe y'all!!

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