Chapter Seven

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Iroh had given me a few more lessons in fire bending and was pleased to say that I had almost perfected my basics, " Thank you Iroh" I wrapped my arms around him, he laughed and hugged me back " Come we should have some tea to celebrate" I laughed before followed him to the side of the deck and sat down with him. A few minutes into tea Zuko ran to us " I know where he is" " How?" I asked " He was spotted, we're on our way now, get ready". I changed into red pants and top, I looked at myself in the mirror and stared at the bandage around my eye. I had been too scared to take it off, especially after my hand but I think it's time to take it off. I slowly unwrapped my bandage and stared at my eye, " Kala let's go!" Zuko opened my door and stopped when he noticed my eye " Kala" my eye surprisingly wasn't touched.

He had just missed it, however I had been burned under my eye and across. Basically from my corner of the right side of my nose, across my cheek. Iroh was right I was lucky, " Kala I'm sorry" " You need to stop apologising Zuko" " How can I when I hurt you, I almost got your eye" " But you didn't, it could have been a lot worse. Come on let's go". Some soldiers had got onto the rhinos, Zuko jumped up on one and pulled me up behind him " You want me to come?" " I don't want you to leave my side, I don't want anything to happen to you" I smiled before wrapping my arms gently around his waist. Once the door opened we ran out onto the island, of course the Warriors of the island fought the fire nation off trying to save their town. One of the Warriors started to fight Zuko but he easily knocked her down, a second warrior stood in front of the first, shielding her from Zuko's fire.

" Leave her alone!" I recognised that voice, I popped my head out from behind Zuko " Sokka?" His head turned to me and his eyes widened " Kala?! Your alive!" " This is your boyfriend?" Zuko asked before laughing. " Let her go" Sokka said before getting into a fighting stance " Like I'm going to take orders from a guy in a dress" Zuko laughed before getting off the Rhino and fire bending at Sokka, "  Zuko no, leave him alone". " Where's the avatar?" He ignored me " Like I'm going to tell a fire nation brat where he is" Sokka spat, I hopped off of the Rhino and stood in between the two. " Kala get out of the way!" Zuko yelled " No! I won't let you hurt my friends" " Kala get out of the way" Sokka repeated, I turned and faced Sokka.

His eyes widened as he stared at me, he grabbed my face " What did he do?" " It was an accident" " Yeah right! He's hurt you. He scared your face, and your hand! Your not safe with him, come with us. Katara will be so happy to see you again and Aang misses you, I miss you". " Sokka-" " Back away from her" Zuko growled as he stood in front of me " She doesn't belong with you! She's our friend!" " She's my soulmate!". Sokka laughed " Yeah right, like her soulmate would ever be someone from the fire nation" " Sokka it's true" I said slowly " Kala?". I came out from behind Zuko " He's my soulmate Sokka" I teared up as I saw the look of anger, shame and disgust on his face " How could you? How could you betray us like this?!" " I don't choose who it is Sokka!" " You might as well be from the fire nation" " She is" Zuko said " What? No I'm not I'm from the South Pole" " Your mother is, your father was from the fire nation" my eyes widened " That's how you can fire bend".

" Your a fire bender?!" Sokka yelled " Yes I am, I didn't ask for any of this Sokka" " Don't say my name, your my enemy" " Sokka please don't say that" I cried as I walked towards him. Without a warning Sokka knocked me over and spat " We're enemy's, next time I see you I won't hesitate to hurt you". He ran off quickly, Zuko helped me up " Kala-" " Why did you have to do that?!" " Do what?" " Tell him everything, I didn't want him to know I could fire bend!" " Or us?!" Zuko yelled back " No! Sokka hates the fire nation! I wanted to tell him myself in my own way!" " Just admit it you don't want to be with me!" Zuko screamed at me. I pushed him away and ran off crying, I ran and hid behind a house.

Of course I was interrupted by the islands warriors and I was not in the mood for this. I felt so angry and full of rage, I quickly took them out with a few blasts before letting out an angry roar, a huge fire came out of my mouth and hands at this and before I knew it I was running back to the ship. I slammed my door shut and screamed, causing my entire room to burn. I took a few breaths before opening the window and going back to the deck, when I saw Zuko I walked the other way. I stayed on the back of the ship and leaned on the rail as I watched us sail away from the island. I sighed as I felt someone behind me " I don't want to talk" " I understand, Zuko told me you two had a fight" " He makes me so angry" " I know, I saw your flame" " You did?" I asked as I turned to him " How could I not? That's the biggest flame I've ever seen come any fire bender. But only a flame like that can come from rage".

I sighed before turning away again " I thought I told you to control your emotions" " Well it was hard to do, so much happened" " Like what?" " I said I didn't want to talk!"I stormed off. As night came I sat in my room unable to sleep, how dare he tell people my business! They are my friends, I wanted to tell them my way!. I walked up to the deck and stopped when I noticed Zuko standing by the rail " Why is this so hard!" He yelled to the sky " I thought once I found my soulmate, I'd be happy. I thought I'd finally know what it would be like to be loved, and be in love. Kala's completely different to Mai, she's so much more fun and happy. She makes me laugh and smile when I never thought it would be possible, but how can I get her to actually like me?". " Don't be a jerk" Zuko jumped and turned to me " How much of that did you hear?" " I heard enough, Zuko you don't seem to understand why I'm angry at you. You told my friend everything I had just learned about myself. I'm still getting use to the fact I'm a fire bender, I'm still not over the fact that my father is from the fire nation and I wanted to be the one to tell him that when I was ready, but you took that choice away from me".

" I'm sorry, I never thought of it like that" " You didn't think at all, I could see it in your face Zuko. Once you found out it was Sokka you wanted to make him hurt, you were incredibly jealous of him" " No I wasn't" I laughed " Yeah right, your an easy man to make jealous Zuko" " No I'm not!" " So you wouldn't care if I decided to hang out with the other men, or if I touched them or if I-" I was cut off by Zuko kissing me quickly before pulling away " Fine, maybe I am a little jealous" " A little?" " Fine I'm jealous! Look I never received love before okay, my first girlfriend was a dull person who never wanted to do anything fun, she didn't care about me, and now your here and I don't know how to control myself around you. It's like every time we're together, I can't let you go Kala" " I'm not going anywhere Zuko".

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2020 ⏰

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