Chapter 5, Part 1 :The Questioner's Cage

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Chapter 5

The Questioner's Cage Part 1

Lucy’s POV

According to Salem, I was unconscious for three days, twenty hours, fifteen minutes, and thirty seconds. He stayed by my side during my hospital stay. My heart stopped five times and the last time I almost wasn't revived.

"Why'd you stay?" I asked after he told me what had happened.

"Friends stay with friends during times like this, right?"

"I thought we established the fact that we wanted to be more than friends."

"Let's take it slow Lucy."

I ignored that. "Salem, where's my mom?"

"California. She couldn't handle being here without him. She left Saturday afternoon."

"I always knew something like this would happen. She's always been so freakin' dependent on him."

"Let's get you out of this house."

"I'm fine Salem. I just wanted to get that off my chest."

"I've already planned everything out. You wouldn't want all my efforts to go to waste."

"Aunt Liz, Salem and I will be back."

"Meet me at the Square in a few hours."

"Yes ma'am," we called as we walked out the door.

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere over the rainbow," he answered as he backed out of the driveway.

"That's not an answer love."

"Yes it is."

The drive was definitely entertaining. Salem relaxed and sang along to the radio with me. He was actually having carefree fun. We were singing Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream" when he pulled out a blindfold.

"Why do I need this?"

"It's your surprise."

"I wanna see it now."

"We're almost there."

Salem's version of almost there meant a mile away. It took at least fifteen more minutes to get there. Finally we stopped, I heard the piano first. The flowing water was next, probably a lake. After what seemed like forever, Salem took off my blindfold.

"Salem this is amazing."

"Anything for my angel-girl."

Salem pulled out a picnic basket and laid it on a boulder near us. Somehow the boulder was neatly shaped as a table. I pulled him into a hug. He hugged me back, his arms wrapping around me tightly.

"Ready to eat?"

"Sure, what's on the menu?"

"Gumbo, French bread, chocolate covered strawberries, and iced caramel coffee."

"All of my favorites. How'd you know?" I asked taking out the gumbo and bread.

"A little bird told me."

I knew my mom must've told him before she left. I smiled at her petit cadeau, little gift. She cared for me. Salem and I ate our gumbo in silence.

"Would you like a strawberry mademoiselle?"

"I would very much."

"Open up,"he said, grabbing one of the strawberries out the container.

After feeding each other strawberries, we walked around the park. Salem picked me up and put me on his back. He piggybacked me all the way back to the car.

"Are we going meet Aunt Liz?"

"No, we’ve been summoned..."

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