Chapter 5.2 The Questioner's Cage

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Chapter 5.2

The Questioner's Cage

Salem's POV

"Summoned, by whom?" she questioned fearfully as we got into the car.

"Detective Baptiste."

Her face paled. "Salem please don't make me go," tears began to fall down her face as her heart rate increased. "He loved me."

I gripped the steering wheel tighter. "He loved you? How?"

"He and my dad were friends. My dad used to abuse me and Master used to watch. Then my dad w-would l-leave me and Master would have his way. I would watch him hand my dad money the next morning and I felt sick. It went on for a few years until he became the head detective. He'd come by to kiss and touch me every now and then.

"That's why I want you, but I can't have you. I'm impure and soiled. I'm broken; my mom knew because money was coming in, but she didn't do anything to save me. I was never really loved. Aunt Liz does now since she knows I'm all she has left, but before that she didn't show me that kind of affection."

She broke down. I held her close. Every sob resurrected and broke my dead heart. The last time I'd seen someone so broken was when Adam divorced and abandoned Lilith.

3rd Person

Before woman, there was man.

Before man, there were demons and Satan.

Before demons and Satan, there were angels and God.

Before God, there was nothing for he created all that exists. There was a time,before the demons,when man, God, and angels lived together as neighbours.

This was the time of Adam and Lilith. This peaceful time lasted only a short thousand years for Adam and Lilith had an argument. This argument forced Lilith out of the Garden. She fled and ran into Salem, Lucifer's best friend and his second-in-command. Lilith quickly told him about Adam and he quickly agreed to help her. As she cried, he held her and sang a lullaby.

Salem's POV

"Hush-a-bye, my dearest love. You are safe in my arms; no one can harm you now. Our love will keep you safe. Darkness cannot enter here, only Light, only Love. Hush-a-bye, my dearest love. You are safe in my arms," I sang the same lullaby and looked at Lucy.

She had fallen asleep. I kissed her forehead lightly and gently laid her back in her seat before going meet Detective Baptiste.

"Salem stay," she reached out for me and I put her hands back in her lap.

"I'm coming right back love."

"Be careful," she whispered as she fell back asleep.

The station was still cold and unwelcoming. Detective Baptiste was waiting for me in his office.

"Where's Lucy? She knows how I hate when she's late."

"You don't need to know where she is Detective."

"I believe I have an appointment with her."

"She's still recovering from her illness."

He laughed, "You can't fool me Angel Boy. My friends saw y'all at the park."

"The doctor prescribed some fresh air."

"I never knew that you could lie Angel Boy," he sneered the nickname like it was a curse.

"How many times must I tell you my name is Salem not Angel Boy?"

"You're an angel are you not?"

"I am."

"Tell me dear Angel Boy why are you here? Have you been banished as your brother? Are you looking for him? I can tell you he's not here."

"Don't bring Luce into this and my reasons for being here are none of your concern. Leave Lucy alone or I'll have a talk to Lilith about your allowance."

"You wouldn't dare. Besides she wouldn't listen to you Angel Boy."

"Leave Lucy alone," I hissed. "Or you won't be missing just your allowance."

As soon as I got back into the car, Lucy woke up and placed a chaste kiss on my lips.

"I got a bit worried. You've been in there for an hour."

"We were just taking is all. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, a little hot is all."

"Why didn't you put the windows down?"

"I wanted to be in the car when you got back. Even though this is a nicer part if town, a few gang fights break out on this end."

I nodded as I recalled the numerous fights I had to witness. "Is it time to meet with Madame Liz?"

"Yep. We're having dinner at Margaritaville."

"Well let's go," I said kissing her cheek.

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