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Cahya's eyes fluttered open half against the fabric of the unnecessarily expensive pillows. As her eyes adjusted, she had not awoken to the usual sight of the window, but instead to the sight of her.

Seeing Narcissa laying in her bedsheets was a sight she didn't know she needed. A sense of peace overcame her as she analysed at the sleeping woman before her. She was beautiful.

In hope that she wasn't a light sleeper, Cahya raised her hand slowly to move some of Narcissa's darker hair behind her ear gently, with efforts to see her face clearer. In doing so, Narcissa's face moved slightly, but nothing came of it, she remained sleeping.

One of the most genuine smiles she may have ever known grew upon her face. If one moment of her choice were to last for eternity, it would be this. This was one morning she had not awoken to a worry, or an upset, and Narcissa was undoubtedly the reason.

She brought her hand up again, she couldn't help herself, and placed it incredibly gently on Narcissa's cheek in the space of it and the pillow, stroking it with her thumb. Within seconds a smile spread on Narcissa's face, eyes still closed, and she lowered her head in the pillows direction as if she could get any closer to Cahya's hand.


Narcissa had awaken, but was sure to not show it. She kept her eyes fully closed and intended to savour the moment for as long as she possibly could. The slow and gentle feeling of Cahya's hand slowly sweeping onto her cheek was indescribable. Knowing she was admired by Cahya even in sleep, was an admiration she had never felt before.

She couldn't help herself but attempt to, what could be only described as, nuzzle herself into Cahya's hand against the pillow. With the smile on her face, it was a rather clear indicator of her sleep lasting no longer.

Her brilliant eyes flashed open, looking slightly upward to see Cahya. Cahya's eyes captured her fully, there was something about how brilliantly pale, ice-blue they were, and how excellently the feeling of peace she received from them opposed to Lucius' simply being cold and harsh.

Stretching her arms slightly with a deep breath, Narcissa finally greeted, "good morning, you."

"Morning, indeed," Cahya responded with a wide smile as she flicked away the long black strands of her hair from her face.

"How do you feel? After everything?" Narcissa asked with a hand placed on Cahya's arm.

"Best morning in a while, if you ask me," she grinned with intention, Narcissa knew she was the reason and did not expose the unspeakable joy that brought her. Cahya's smile grew smaller, yet still visible, "however, today may be moving day, I don't think I-"

"I understand, do not worry," Narcissa began, "you explained, and although it is much sooner than anticipated, consider it the plan arriving early- which is what it is."

Somehow Narcissa's words never fail to reassure her. With a smile she lowered herself a bit more to Narcissa's height in the bed and hugged her as best as she could from on her side. With her head on Narcissa's shoulder, she began, "I'm going to bloody miss you, Narcissa Black." She may or may not have purposefully removed 'Malfoy' from Narcissa's name in her mind, but Narcissa was too absorbed by pure bliss that she couldn't acknowledge a thing.

Cahya moved away from the embrace and stared into Narcissa's eyes. "Know this, every opportunity that is brought, I will see you. Be that in Diagon Alley or even here. Wherever you are, I'll find a way."

"Cahya, you needn't worry about seeing me-"

"But I will, so..." She smiled at the determined response, "next point."

"You just need Severus' response first."

"I'll check the Owlery as soon as I am able."

Narcissa nodded in response. There was a sense of peace, everything having the potential of coming together, alongside the hellish reality of everything being potentially ruined and crumbling.

"Now, Narcissa, as much as I'd adore to stay here all day, I have an unfortunate plan to follow through." Cahya attempted to play the situation off with humour, grinning as though it weren't the problem that threatened all aspects of her life.

Narcissa tiredly answered, "yes, of course," as she lifted herself by her arms to sit up, forgetting she'd fell asleep in but a robe. Within seconds Cahya's eyes darted ever so slightly lower then immediately back to Narcissa's eyes grinning.

"What are you smiling at?"

"Robe, Narcissa." She pointed slightly downwards as to politely avoid telling Narcissa that her chest was incredibly visible in the opened robe.

It wasn't quite panic, but Narcissa quickly closed it with urgency and looked incredibly shocked, "apologies, I didn't think to change-"

"You don't need to apologise, you know? Considering earlier yesterday when we almost-"

"Yes, yes- alright, thank you Cahya." She rolled her eyes at the true statement.

"Right, I best get back to my room before Lucius comes looking, we slept in later than usual." Narcissa quickly composed herself before walking to the door, but was quickly interrupted.

"Narcissa?" She hadn't even noticed Cahya had followed her to where she now was stood.

"What is it now?"


Her brow furrowed, "yes, you've told me that, it's definitely closed."

"No, the robe... My robe?" She gestured to the embroidered 'C.M' on the chest. "Do you really think that'll make much sense to brother-dearest if he sees it on you or in that room?"

"Nobody goes in that room but me, Cahya- he's barely interested in my wardrobe, I think I'll keep it," she winked with a smirk. She tapped Cahya on the cheek and swiftly hurried to her room next door.

Cahya shook her head with a grin, she'd never known a feeling like that. She couldn't quite understand how that so easily became the best morning she had ever experienced, but she liked it. If only she could have more of those.

Cahya snapped herself back into reality and went into her dresser to change. If she were to be leaving today, she'd want to do it looking her best- the Malfoy way. The more impressive of the appearance, conveyed confidence, and she needed that.

She placed on a black button-up shirt, with a black waistcoat with intricate silver patterns covering it. With ordinary suit pants and high shoes, all was left was her classic jewellery. Brushing her hair to remain straight and tidy, she was done.

Taking a long dark jacket, she threw it over her shoulders to make her way to check if the letter she had been awaiting had arrived.

Although she wanted to show her lack of pain to Lucius when it was time, she couldn't be seen by him until she knew she was leaving. Until he knows she is long gone, and in one of the most protected buildings in the country, he won't stop, so she needed to go before he could even start.


A/N - there will be another update later tonight because I know this was short but I needed to split the chapters here!! Thankyou for 2.42K reads!

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