First Style: Mirage Dance

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I thought my world will stay peaceful, my future will burn brighter and brighter and my life will continue to be ignorant of the evil that continues to lurk in the dark. That pathetic mindset of mine was laughable as I witnessed my grandmother turned into a demon right before my eyes. 

She had returned back to our home in the mountains one day with an injury on her ankle and albeit, my younger brother and I tried to nurse her back to health, her human side quickly diminished into a demon. The sight before me was so frightening that I couldn't move, I could only watch her attacked my brother mercilessly. I couldn't even scream as I watched my once sweet and loving grandmother violently devoured my brother like a carnivorous beast.

My mind blacked out and I felt something within me snapped. Both my grandma and my younger brother were the only family I had left and now, a demon had ruined it all. Before I knew it, my brother was a lifeless mess and the adrenaline within me possessed my hands to slice my grandmother into countless pieces with a farming scythe.

The warm blood that soaked my clothes and skin soon turned cold and the smell of blood that filled the room was sickening that I threw up the contents in my guts.

A nauseating sound echoed within the house and fear took over me. The once chopped up pieces of my grandmother is slowly regenerating. 'I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die!'

The last shred of humanity left me and before I could even stop my instinct to survive, I found myself doing the most inhumane thing questionable.

I ate the pieces of my grandmother, refusing to let her regenerate. I ate and ate until the sun came up and that's when her body finally stop regenerating and disintegrated into ashes.

I left my brother's corpse as it is. I wanted to give him a proper burial but I can no longer go out in the day and when I tried to do it at night, the scent of humans waft into my nose; suffocating the only humane thoughts I have left.

I may have become a demon but I will never, ever eat another human being.

That mentality had drained all the strength I had left in my body as I collapsed next to my brother's decomposing body, I held onto his hand with tears forming in my eyes. If only I could turn back time, if only I have move to save my brother, if only I did not whined about having to hike down the many 'if only' but I have already lost everything.

The wooden door of the house slammed wide opened unknowingly, causing me to peer up weakly at the stranger. My vision was blurry no matter how hard I tried to focus. Is it one of the villagers?

But it wasn't. My nose detected an unfamiliar scent that smelled somewhat nauseating.


It was a demon.

In that instant, the male demon and I locked eyes. He looked grotesque with extra limps coming out from his hunched back, his normal human eyes had split into four at the side of his head.

And I was hungry...

"Oi, oi, oi~ aren't you a demon? Why do you smell like a hum-"

A parade of white moths peeled themselves from my body and swarm towards the demon as if responding to my instinct. A light flapping sounds of their wings mixed in with the screams of the demon as he tried to brush away the moths that kept finding their way into his ears, mouth, nose and every other holes imaginable.

"I'm sorry..." I crooked out in my hoarse voice. "But I have to eat."

With that, the demon's body exploded from the massive amount of moths within him.

After a few similar incidents, I realised that I am able to give out a scent that demons mistook for a human's and I used that to my advantage to keep myself alive. I devoured any incoming demons with my scent and decided to eat till I'm able to stop feeling hungry from smelling a human. And finally, that day came.

The sun has set and for a long time since, I hesitantly slide the wooden panel of the door opened and stepped out to see small specks of snow pampering me with baby kisses. Warm tears started to form in my eyes from the realisation that I have no one to share this moment with anymore. My younger brother would have love this, he would roll around in the snow while my grandmother would pass us warm clothes to prevent us from falling sick.

I miss you both so much.

My vision was suddenly forced downwards and the coldness of snow greets my face the instant my head painfully hit the ground. A large hand engulfed around my head as the figure pinned me to the ground with its weight. My breath hitched at the sight of a stunning orange blade pressed against my neck.

My face contorted with rage, thinking it was a demon attack but instead, my eyes met with a pair of amber orbs. It gave out a sense of comfort and security that I found myself subconsciously relaxed under his grip as I stared at him.

His warm presence was addictive like the rising sun on a winter morning, assuring you that another day will pass without any harm.

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