Second Style: Thousand Festival

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The man and I stared at each other for a second too long. My eyes traced his handsome features while his eyes were searching mine for something else. He quickly withdrew his blade and released his tight grasp on my head. "I'm most ashamed!" He bellowed in the loud tone as he helped me to my feet. "I've mistook you for a demon! If there is a hole, I would bury my head in it!"

I could only stared at him, a smile slowly dancing on my lips. What a strange man. "But I am a demon, sir." I did not know what came over me, I didn't want to die but he made me feels...comfortable.

The man studied me upon my confession and smiled warmly at me, the sight of it warmed up my cheeks inevitably. "Hmmn! That was a joke, right?" His response caught me off guard and I can't help but chuckled at his silliness. The sound of my chuckles slowly died down into a sad smile. "If only it was." I mumbled. "Would you...hear me out, sir?"

I have no idea what expression I had shown him but his expression changed almost instantly and so, I headed back into my crippling house; my skin started to peel off into tiny little white moths, I felt the beautiful little moths made their way to the decayed body of my younger brother. I began to tell my story and told the strange man everything, a secret that I have wanted to tell someone for the longest time.

I put my hands together and prayed in front of my brother's buried body while the strange man watched. "What do I do now, sir?" The man thought for awhile before shoving his face near mine "Hmmn! As part of the Demon Slayer Corps, I cannot spare your life."  I sighed in amusement, "Of course. That's the only path for me left." I looked at the strange man's eyes with a sad smile . "I'm glad that the last thing I get to see is the face of a handsome man."  I slapped my lips to my mouth but it was too late, the words have already left. I dare not look at the man and prayed that he would end my life already. Take me out of this misery, please!

 "Come with me! I, the flame breathing Hashira, Rengoku Kyojuro will train you!" I blinked from his words. "Hashira? Flame breathing?" My embarrassment slowly retreated at his words. "I...I am a demon. Though I have trained myself to reject eating humans but I still can't trust myself fully."

Sensing my hesitance, he placed his large hands on my shoulders and the weight of his palms ignited something within me. It's been so long since I'd last touch a human, it felt so...comforting. His grip on me was tight yet assuring. "I just met you and I already like you!" I felt a heavy blush invaded my cheeks almost instantly from his bluntness. "I don't sense a single lie in your story and your determination is admirable. So, follow me and live on!"

He let go of my shoulders but held out his hand, waiting for me to accept his proposal while I questioned the judgement of this man. Would it really be okay for me to start a demon? As if to answer my doubt, my hand reached out to him like a magnet and the warmth of his touch reassured the doubts within me. He gave me a nod that paired with that charming smile of his.

"My name is Rengoku Kyojuro." He reintroduced himself.

"I'm...Yukimi." That was the first name that came into my mind as I have forgotten my given name a long time ago. It is a name I chose to commemorate today. The flaming swordsman didn't pry any further about my name and took me with him. 

Our journey to his household after that was a little too breezy but Rengoku-san was confident about my ability to blend in with the humans. Due to my demon abilities, I smell like a regular person and am able to revert back to my human form on command and just like he said, I did managed to blend in. Upon arrival, his father, Rengoku Shinjuro, did not bother with my existence when Rengoku-san introduced me as someone he had rescued from one of his missions. Although, his father was rude towards my presence, Rengoku-san's caring nature towards me made up for it. With the little courage within me, I touched his hand to reassure him that I'm not bothered by his dad's behaviour. I'm sure his father has his reasons.

Meeting Rengoku-san's younger brother, however, triggered something within me as an older sister. I held the young boy gently and pampered him like I would to my late brother. I even embarrassed myself once again at the thought of my brother and the tears hit me hard. I had to explain myself to the two panicking brothers after I calmed down. Rengoku-san and his younger brother, Senjuro, gave me a tour around the house and even provided me with human food, a warm bath and a new set of yukata which Rengoku-san mentioned that it belongs to his late mother. For him to trust a stranger; moreover a demon, like me with something so precious made me teared up again.

"Welcome to the Rengoku Residence, Yukimi!" Rengoku-san beamed and I matched his smile with mine. A smile so warm that it saved my life.

A Warm Flame (Rengoku Kyujuro x OC)Where stories live. Discover now