Day Five

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"Just look at these things! They've gotten even bigger! Gigantic! And they hurt so much!" Hayley hissed toward Hazel in a hush-hush tone as she stared down at her swollen breasts. Even Hazel had to admit that it looked painful, almost agonizing really, but she still couldn't fight back her cheeky grin either way. "Why did I do this to myself again?"

They both glanced over to where Chris and the twins rested. Holding one in each arm, Chris slept in a big arm chair not too far from the bed with her head thrown back and her mouth wide open waiting for a belligerent fly to land in it, no doubt. Hazel first peered over at Benjamin, named after Hayley's own twin brother, who had one of Chris' fingers curled up in his tiny fingers seemingly very pleased in his relaxing dream filled state. There was definitely a hint of a smile on his sleeping, angelic face while Glenda, named after Chris' mother, was utterly somber in expression.

Hazel felt a chuckle rumbling in her chest, yet suppressed it in worry it might turn into a full blown laugh, then said, "'Cause of that right there."

"You took the words right out of my mouth." Hayley said in her sing-song voice, grabbing her attention at the heaviness in her tone. She stared at Chris with so much glow, her entire face reminded Hazel of a fire when first sparked and coming to life. She then turned to Hazel and scanned her face, prompting her to look anywhere but her direction. "You have an appointment coming up, right? Have you reminded Chris?"

Hazel rubbed her belly and sighed. She didn't want to have this conversation and had kept her visits minimal when it came to Hayley, knowing she would probe her until she got the answers she wanted. Chris would have let her come to her and take her time in saying things, but Hayley seemed to lose even more patience after becoming pregnant.

Sometimes it was irritating and other times, the way Hayley treated her as if she wanted no barriers between the two of them was absolutely endearing on a level that she had only ever achieved with Chris. Regardless, right now Hazel didn't want to think of the future. She just wanted to enjoy the little bits of peace and quiet she was sneaking in throughout the last three days.

"Chris is worried about you, sweetheart." Hayley's words cut through her like butter. She finally looked at her and felt nothing short of the worst guilt she'd ever felt swelling up. "You want to actually talk to us? What's going through your mind?"

Hazel squirmed a bit in her seat, glancing around the hospital room. "You're getting out tomorrow, right?" She asked, wanting to talk about anything other than her current circumstances. "I'd like to be here for that."

"Are you still staying in the office?" Hayley further probed.

"The contractors are working as diligently as they can to get my townhouse finished ahead of schedule. I don't mind staying there for now." Hazel sat back in her chair and felt little flutters in her stomach.

The flutters had been happening much more frequently than before and she knew what it meant. Her baby was finally big enough to really feel and while it gave her pleasant butterflies, it also terrified her she may miscarry again just after feeling those movements. This was so close to that twenty-first week just like before and everyday that crept closer to that week made her anxiety rise.

"Why don't you just stay at the cottage with us once we get home?" Hayley reached out and took her hand, giving it those gentle loving rubs for which she and Chris were famous.

"I can't." Hazel involuntarily gripped her hand, betraying her words. "It's not that I wouldn't love sleeping in a real bed, Hales, but I can't impose on you both when you've just had the twins." She smirked and gave Hayley's hand a squeeze. "Besides, even if I did take you up on your offer, you got rid of the bed in dad's old room, remember? Unless you want me to crawl into bed with y'all each night, or in the twin's crib, I'd be on a couch either way. It's fine, Hales."

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