Please dont be the end..

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-Karl's POV-

Nick didn't go to school because he needed to some family stuff to do. When I got to school I was a bit bored sense Nick wasn't there, Alex cane up to me "your boyfriends not here today?" He said with a smirk "he had family stuff to do" he nodded and looked at his friend and gave him a nod then grabbed my chin and kissed me.. I pushed him away but not fast enough for his friend to be able to snap a picture. I wipe my lips, "What the fuck Alex! I have a boyfriend and you know that!" He just shrugged and walked away. I felt horrible and a tear ran down my face, Clay walks up to me looking pissed until he saw me in tears "woah what happened" "Alex j-just kissed me.. he knows I'm with nick but he still kissed me.. I think his friend got a picture of it but idk.." I felt like I was having a panic attack and what made it worse is that I got a message from nick.
Babe i can explain!
I don't want to hear it..

-Nicks POV-

I got a picture sent to me from someone random of Karl and Alex kissing me. I instantly felt my heart shader. I didn't want to hear explanation. The picture was enough, I tell my family that I need to be alone. I went to my room and I didn't know if I should be upset or mad.

-Karl's POV-

Through out the day I tried not to cry. It was really hard to. When I got home I tried calling nick until it wouldn't go trough at some point.. he blocked me.. I called Clay and me and him talked and agreed he'll try talking to Nick. I was panicking. Then clay called me back telling me that nick wouldn't let him explain and it felt I couldn't breath, "I'm going to take a shower.." I said leaving the call and went to the bathroom. I grab a sharp object and I hesitate for a minute then just did it, after I seen what I did I bandaged it up and got in the shower. While the hot water hit my back I started feeling better.

Next day

I didn't go to school, I was looking at pictures of me and Nick and was crying, I didn't want this to be the end. I didn't want to loose someone I loved so much because of something I didn't but someone that was jealous did. I look in my closet and finds one of nicks hoodies and puts it on and sighs. I missed him... a lot..

A few hours later

I get a call from clay and I answer and sniff "Hey.." "Hey, I talked to Nick, he let me explain, he said he'll call you at some point"
I get a little happier "really?.. thank you so much clay, idk how I can thank you" "oh no need. Talk to you later" he leaves the call and after a few minutes nick calls me. I quickly answer "nick imsosorryhejustkissedme" spit out fast not knowing if he caught any of that. "Hey it's alright clay explained it all, he told me how upset you were and I couldn't handle you being upset" I snuggle my pillow "Hey can you come over... I really need the company before I go crazy" he chuckles and I hear rattling of keys and the car door open and close. After a few minutes he left the call and walked into my room and I open my arms and he comes to hug me. "Is this my hoodie?" I lay my head on his shoulder "it's the closest I had to you." It started getting hot so I took the hoodie off. "Karl..." I look at him and he seemed upset "what's wrong?." He grabbed my arms "I-I'm Sorry my mind wasn't in the right place.." he snuggles close to me. "From now on don't let anything get between us unless it's serious, Alright?" I nod in agreement.

This chapter hurt me to write. I hope you guys enjoy it still. In the end I'm happy they made up because if they didn't I would even be upset and I'm the one writing it.
740 words
Have a good day/night

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