Chapter 1: First Encounter

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At the bar...

"Hi handsome," one slutty looking girl ask me. "Oh hi,"I answer back. She whispered to me.

This will going to be a wild night.

We make out on the comfort room for about 10 minutes I think. That's because I don't really like this girl even though I love one night stand, I still have a standard and she's below average for me. I just pity her so I agree. I'm the first one who get out of the toilet and she follows, she looks so fuckin tired. I just let her be, suit herself. I silently chuckles. And after awhile my gaze turns to a very handsome guy who is talking to someone at the bartender area. I don't know what this feeling but just looking at him makes my junior hard. Fuck! I cursed.

Gulf POV

I'm on Techno's bar. Honestly, I don't want to be here. But he always persuade me to come, I don't know if it is because I'm his bestfriend or it is because if I'm here, gay and girl customers keep on buying me drinks even though I don't drink much...

and that means more income for him isn't it? Hayst this friend of mine very witty. I shook my head with my own thought.

" Hey! Cutie Gulfie you know don't show that face to your fans."

"Fans my ass! And how many times do I need to tell you don't call me cutie Gulfie grrrr I'm not like a dog to be address as cute."I shout at him.

"And one more thing can you stop pestering my peaceful life! its been a month now that you keep on forcing me to be here. Even though I receive free service I still don't want it! can't you see their hungry eyes." I rolled my eyes.

"Come on Cutie Gulfie." I smack his head. "Oh! Khor tot na. But Cutie..." I throw a death glare on him before he can continue. "Gulf, don't you think its time for you to have special someone, you know."

" Why should I? And why are you always convincing me when in the first place you too has no one except me. "

" Hey! Your so harsh. What I meant is, there is so many out there that is interested in you while me on the other hand... " He makes a sad face. I tap his shoulders.

" Hey don't say that, you just don't know but there is. " I told him as an encouragement.

"Hey dude don't tell me you like... " I smack his head a little heavier now so he can think straight. "Hey Techno!!!" I shouted. He chuckles... "HAHAHA I know I just wanted to see you laugh for tonight cause you're more handsome when you smile."

"Techno don't tell me you like..." I joked too. And then we laugh with each other like there's no tomorrow.


I can't take my eyes off with him. He keeps on laughing with his friend. And then I saw an opportunity, he already bid goodbye, I follow him. He keeps on looking back, I guess he sense that someone is following him. I walk in the shortcut so I can corner him. I don't know what's gotten into me but I really wanted to taste him so badly, fuck I'm so hard. And then my plan is a success, I cornered him. I am facing him now. He stare at me? and walk towards me? That's what I thought but fuck he just walk passed by.

Shia! Is he blind! Can't he see that I smiled at him, he didn't even spare a glance to my handsome face. Damn! I won't let you just abandoned my junior.

Without wasting any other time, I walk to him and pull him to one of the empty toilet in the back of the bar. He is startled with my sudden action but he is trying hard to escape from my grip. And then he speak.

"Hey I'm not rich I don't have money!" He said in a pleading tone.

His so cute damn it! So he thought I'm a thief then ill just play along.

"I don't want your money." I pointed his heart.

"Wait! You want my organs are you... Vampire?" He shows a scared face but I find it cute. I laughed at his ridiculousness maybe his just too innocent that's why he don't get what I really meant.

"Then, I'll make you understand." I kissed him merciless and I see how his cute little eyes widen and damn it his lips is the sweetest lips I'd ever kiss. Its so soft like a marshmallow.

But it doesn't last that long. He knock my junior and I stumble because it fucking hurts. And then I see him running away so fast just like some olympian who wants to win in a marathon. I smile even though it hurts and I said to myself. Wait until I see you again, you will surely regret this. And I will surely devour not just your mouth but all of you. I smirk.

Gulf POV

I bid goodbye to Techno after laughing with his lame jokes. I feel sleepy that's why. And I have to go for an interview tomorrow so I have to wake up early. I've been looking for a job for about a month now, it's so fucking hard to find a job. I don't know but I felt like it's not about your potentials but it's rather if you have a backer then you pass. Hayst I shook my head again with that thoughts.

But while walking I always look back cause I felt like there is someone following me from behind. But I just let it be. And then, there's someone that suddenly appears in front of me. It's quite dark so I don't see his face clearly but I notice that he smile at me. But I'm not friendly so I just walk pass by and ignore him even though it seems like he will going to say something.

But I was startled, he fucking grip my arm and forcefully drag me to the toilet at the back area of the bar. Once we're already facing with each other I told him that I'm not rich and I don't have money but he just laugh at me. I'm trying my best to escape from his grip but his stronger and I'm afraid maybe he has a deadly weapon.

I just stare at his face for awhile so if in case I will report to the police I can clearly state his features so he can be caught by them easily. And then he spoke, I don't want your money and he pointed my chest. Wait what the are you... Vampire? I'm so scared. But he laugh even more. Is this guy crazy I thought to myself. And then he spoke again. Then, I'll make you understand. And the next thing happens...

HE KISSED ME. Wtf! My first kiss ever.

He's really crazy I conclude. I knock his junior, I know it will hurt as hell but that's his punishment and I run as fast as I could to be able to escape from him.

At my house...

Shia! I can't sleep. I still kept on thinking about what just happened. I'm also thinking about the possible consequences. If I told Techno, probably he will tease me for the rest of my life. And if I told the police about what happen to me what should I say. I can't tell that a guy stole a kiss from me and tried to rape me right? It's fucking embarrassing what the heck! What should I do? I keep on rolling on my bed until I fell asleep.


After the hurt as hell that my junior suffer. I finally had the strength to get on my feet and walk to my car and drove away. But while driving, I'm wondering how will I able to find and meet him again. After what happened, probably he won't ever come back to that bar.

After a couple of minutes I finally reach my condo and sleep right away. I'll just think of that tomorrow. I talked to myself.

12-03-20- first chapter


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