Chapter 6: How Can You Be Like That?

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Why the hell is he here? What the hell is going on? "What the hell Phoenix?!" I screamed out at him, "Still no Hello Phoenix, how are you?" I turned my music off, walking over towards him pissed as hell. He noticed the look on my face he knows this look I have only given him this look a few times in our relationship he backed up a step. "Really you want all nice friendly Paige?! Do you Phoenix?! She left when you chose to move away and not keep in contact with your children!" I yelled at him, "I'm sorry Paige, can we just please talk?" he asked.

"After last night no." I snapped at him, "Why?" I want to slap him, "You were drunk last night!" He nods his head, "Yes, I was." I glared at him, "And you feel like that was a great way to treat me?" I asked, "I have no idea what you're talking about babe." I groaned, "Don't call me that. This is what you said to me "I am not leaving my children with a slut" I said it in the best copy of his voice, he looked hurt by what I said. "Dear god Paige I would never call you that." I scoffed at him, "Well you did Phoenix, it's ok for you to sleep with someone else while married to me but I cannot go out on one date. Bye Phoenix!" I turned around making my way back to the front door. "I want to see my children! I have every right to see them." He snapped at me, "Yeah you do, but not today! They are sound asleep next time you want to see them how about you tell me so I can set something up for the three of you and make sure they are wide awake." I snapped.

"Aren't they too old to be" I cut him off, "You know what Phoenix just quit while your ahead? Children can fall asleep whenever they like if they had a late night the night before. So please keep your judgment to yourself!" I yelled at him, "BABE PLEASE I MISS YOU!" He cried out to me, "You only miss me because she left you!" He looked stunned but I no longer care and kept on walking into the house locking the door behind me. "Mummy is that daddy outside?" Jackson asked me, fuck I forgot that they could be awake, I just wanted to cry, "Is he coming in to see us?" He asked, I was about to respond to him when knocking on the front door stopped me, fuck why do I feel like the bad guy for?! I opened the door and he's standing there nearly in tears, why is he crying for? Doesn't he get it, we could have been a happy family if he told me he was feeling the way he was we could have tried to work it out. What he did is so dam hard to try and forget or even forgive.

"DADDY!!" Jackson yelled out, Phoenix looks at me with one eyebrow up, getting down to Jaxson's level with his arms open. "Sleep uh?" Of course, he would say that "Yes, daddy I was asleep! I got woken up by mummy yelling at someone. Was she yelling at you daddy?" He asked, "Hey my little man, yes, she was yelling at Daddy, as Daddy wasn't nice to her last night." He told him, "Just like what you had done to me?" Jackson asked, I walked away into the kitchen looking for something strong that I could drink, dam it why is there no alcohol in this bloody house! But I could still hear them dam open plan living. "I am so sorry Jax, work got the best of me, do you forgive me?" Phoenix asked, "Would you come back home and live with mummy again?" Jaxson asked, "Could move closer, do not know if mummy and myself could live together again." I looked at him with the look please do not make promises you cannot keep. "Well, I will have to talk to mummy first and my work." Jaxson looks down to the floor, dropping his bottom lip. "That is code for a big fat no."

"It's a maybe, hey have anything fun to show me?" He asked, "Yes, come and see my new world!" Jaxson cried out, "New world? Sounds cool take me to it!" Jaxson races off towards his room, Phoenix walks up towards me, stopping right at me. "Please, please do not break that boy's heart." His hand comes out and touches my cheek, dam why did my body just lean into the touch. He wraps me up into a hug, I hugged him back, why? I have no idea. Fuck why does he have to smell so dam good? Remembering that I am supposed to dislike this man I stepped out of the hug. "Fine, go play with your son. But if either of those children starts crying lookout." I snapped, "I will do anything in this world to have you looking at me the way you used to." He says this as he leans down towards my ear kissing my cheek gently. Giving my ass a light tap and squeeze before racing off towards our boy's room. 

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