Chapter 18: Healing Hands

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I wake up with Casey wrapping me up into a tight hug while groaning into my ear. "Babe your phone won't stop vibrating, it's way too early for this shit." I groaned with him, I know it's not my alarm as it's still dark outside, reaching over looking at my phone groaning again ten missed calls from both Phoenix and Ashely, I really do not want to talk to either of them at this time of day. Who calls someone at three in the morning? I roll back over into Casey's arms getting all comfortable and just about to go back to sleep when it started again. "Who the hell is it babe?" I groaned rolling over and look at the screen and showed him, he held onto me tighter. "Answer it but put it on loudspeaker I want to hear what this asshole wants at this time of the morning." He snapped, "Ok" I mumbled, I rolled back over into his arms as I answer the phone and putting it on loudspeaker.

_-_-_Phone Call_-_-_

Paige: Hhelloo?
Phoenix: Paige?
Paige: Yeah, what do you want at this time of the morning? Heard of people who like to sleep you know.

Casey chuckles softly next to me as he starts kissing my neck, I move further into him.

Phoenix: Did you answer your sister?
Paige: No, why would I want to talk to her right now.
Phoenix: You answered me.
Paige: That's because you won't stop calling me.
Phoenix: I was hoping you were close by to her, she's gone into labour
Paige: And I'm supposed to care because? She's living with mum and dad now they can take her, or better yet it's your child you go in there with her and be a useless idiot that you were for me.
Phoenix: Are you serious right now Paige?! That is so harsh and uncalled for.
Paige: Yes, I am! I clearly remember you fainting when you went to go see how far along I was with Amber, you didn't wake up until after she was already out, and don't get me started on what happened when I was in labour with Jaxson.
Phoenix: Babe it was not like that at all.

When he said babe, Casey held onto me tightly and glaring at the phone.

Paige: Stop calling me Babe! I am not your babe any more!

Casey kissed my cheek as I hear Phoenix groaning on the other line.

Phoenix: Paige, I am back in Brisbane I cannot get to Proserpine in time I want you in that room with her
Paige: Get fucked Phoenix! That is never going to happen bye!
Phoenix: WAIT PLEASE!!!
Paige: No!
Phoenix: That baby is our children's baby sibling they should be there to meet him or her!

I hit the red button, then looked over at Casey. "I'm sorry babe" he cuts me off, "Shhh don't be let's get some sleep before our alarm goes off." He said, "Do you think I am doing the right thing here?" I asked as he groans out, "In one way yes but in another no." He said, I looked at him oddly, "What do you mean?" I asked, "Well yes you have every right not to want to be in that room, and to hate her right now. But you're putting your feelings onto a newborn baby who hasn't done anything wrong same with your children." He said, "I don't think I can do it right now. I look at her and all I want to do is punch her. I am afraid of what I will do if I see the baby." I start crying, "Shhh it's ok babe." I lay onto his chest crying into him, I felt my phone going off again. I didn't bother looking at it, but Casey did. "He's texted you" I want to scream and smash things right now. "Read it out to me babe."

"Ok. He says "I cannot believe you right now Paige, I ask for your help and instead you have gone and acted like a bitchy child. I expect you to be mean to me but to your own family, your own flesh and blood, to a newborn baby who hasn't done anything to you." I sat up looking at Casey and just burst out into tears am I really that mean of a person? Why am I always made out to be the bad one? I feel like I am drowning, then I feel his rough hand on my cheek and that drowning feeling starts to disappear. "Babe, sweetheart don't listen to him. He's just upset you didn't do what he wanted you to do."

"But you think the same as he does!" He grabs a hold of my face and forces me to look at him as the tears stream down my face. "I do not, I understand where you both are coming from. But I also can see how hurt you are by what has happened. If I were in your shoes, I would be doing just what you are doing right now. They both put you in this horrible position you do what you feel is right not what they want you to do." He leans down kissing me gently, once I started kissing him back, he pulled away and wiped my tears away. He smiles at me as he tucks the hair behind my ears. "Even doing the ugly crying you look so beautiful."

"Really you just said ugly crying and beautiful in the same sentence that is so not right." I said trying not to laugh and cry at the same time, "To me you are beautiful." I wrap my arms around him pressing my whole body into him as he wraps his arms around me, I feel better now. We lay back down and tried to get some sleep before the alarms go off. The alarm went off way too early, I hit off as Casey cuddled into me further. "Hmmm too early, take the day off." He mumbles, "I cannot do that; I have things I need to do." I groan, "You are the boss babe." He whispered, "I know I am the boss, but if I want to keep my staff happy, I need to show up and do my job too. It's hard to find good and reliable staff in this town." 

"Ok." He whispered, "Don't worry I am working on the next month's rosters I will roster in a few extra days off for me." He smiled, "Good babe, wake up when it's seven." I chuckle, "It is seven babe." I said, "Crap." He grumbles.

It's now ten and I feel like I am hungover as all hell, I have finished off the rosters and was working away on a new recipe with my head baker who seemed so thrilled on this new one. "Paige I love the sound of this, how long do you want me to cook it for?" Todd asked, "Let's see how it goes after fifteen minutes then go from there." I told him, "Sure." It's a muffin crossed with a croissant, I have made a few different flavours, one with blueberries in it, one with strawberries, one with peanut butter, and the last one with Nutella. I quickly clean up and see what else needs to be prepped for the rest of the week.

I check on Harper and she has a big grin on her face, and I see why a group of tourists I would say are handsome group of men keeps flirting with her. I leave her be as she's working and flirting away with them, they seem to be buying more. "Paige, come and check this out!" I raced into the back and the new items have come out of the oven looking better than I thought they would, putting them out on the cool down racks. I helped Todd in seeing what needed to be ordered for the week, while we wait for them to cool down.

"Paige, they are cooled down." I got the rest of the bakery into the back leaving one person out the front encase someone comes in I cut them up into small pieces letting everyone trying a bit, along with putting some aside for the staff member out the front. They taste dam good, I like it, so did everyone else. "Paige we are so putting them in the cabinet." Harper said, "That is going to be the new crowd pleaser." Todd stated, "Sure, hope so." I head back into my office ready to call up my sales rep for supplies. When a light tapping on my door bought my attention. I smile up at him as he takes a seat in front of my desk. "Hi babe, what's up?" I said, "Hi sweetie, I must tell you something." He said sounding upset, "What is it?" I asked, "I have to go back to Townsville."

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