Chapter 1 - NO!

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TW//Blood, gore, injury, losing a loved one

Am I writing angst in the first chapter? Y e s. I am gonna make your eyes sweat in the very beginning of the story. 😈 GET READY EVERYONE ANGST INCOMING!!!

Also if you don't wanna read the angsty parts skip to the fourth (Line Break)

(Line Break)

"Iskall, can you wait a little bit? I need to... uh, you know, do my business." Grian said to his friend.

Iskall nodded, "Ok."

The two landed and the set their bags down. Iskall waited while Grian walked into the woods to, you know, do his business. Iskall sat down near a tree trunk and rested after a long flight. Suddenly, a blade was at his neck.

(Line Break)

Grian walked back and went to meet Iskall. He was humming a song. It has been a long time since he was this happy. Him and Iskall helped each other move on from Mumbo's death, so he was better now compared to before. Though he still had nightmares and felt guilty about Mumbo's death, he was getting better.

When he got to the place Iskall was, the sight before him was terrifying. Iskall was dead on the floor by a tree trunk. Their bags were gone. Blood was everywhere. Grian screamed, horrified, "NO!"

Grian hurried to Iskall's body. "ISKALL!!!" He clutched Iskall's lifeless body, just like he did to Mumbo. It had happened again. Both of his best friends are dead. Because of me. Because I couldn't protect them!!! He was furious with himself, furious with the world. "NO NO NO NO NO NOT AGAIN PLEASE!!" He let his tears fall. He didn't care if someone saw him. It was hopeless. "WHY?!" He cried harder, despair coming over him. "ISKALL!!!"

(Line Break)

Grian looked bad. He had dark circles under his red, puffy eyes and his hair and clothes were messy. He didn't know what to do. He felt lost. It's all because of me. My fault... my fault..... my fault....... He couldn't bring himself to look at Iskall's body as he lifted Iskall in a ditch he made and covered him up. Rest In Peace... he felt his tears dropping to the ground. He was left feeling as hopeless as he was when Mumbo first died. Iskall was the only friend he had and trusted. He had helped Grian when he needed to get through Mumbo's death, but now..... there was no one to comfort him. No one to help him through the pain.

Also, everyone, if you are going through something similar or horrible, pog through the pain 😔 it will be better as long as you try. Don't ever give up or blame yourself. Research showed that mental pain actually only lasts for 25 minutes. All the pain after that is self inflicted. Have faith in yourself. You are amazing and pog champ!!! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Do something that makes you happy!

Grian flew away silently from the place. He doesn't need to be reminded of Iskall's death. Tears still pouring down his cheeks as he flew. He was lost, so lost. He didn't even know what to do anymore.

Grian soon landed in the trees. I'll just sleep here, I guess.

(Line Break)

Grian woke up. He barely had any sleep last night. He kept having dreams about Iskall dying, each nightmare worst than the last. I... I should go somewhere. He slowly stood up. He has to do something. Maybe I can go to the Drè Kingdom, like the original plan. He walked around a bit and stretched. Maybe... I can start a new life there. Grian just wanted to forget everything as soon as possible. He wanted to get away from the past, Mumbo and Iskall's death are unchangeable. He was sure he would dwell on it for a long time, though. If I find a busy job in the kingdom, I will have so much work I can't even think about... them. Yes, that was it. He just had to forget.

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