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A multitude of colors assaults Aya's honey-brown eyes as she follows behind Ambrose. He and his men, who are are just as formidable as he, standing as guards around her. She realizes that she does not know where she is, though she fights to recall where she would be if not here. The presence of the man before her is calming in a way she cannot quite understand. She is wearing a dress he gave to her earlier it is the color of the sky here, it does not make her feel hot like what she woke up in; it hangs loose on the curves of her body and flows down to her ankles. They walk through a set of large cast-iron gates, and her eyes focus on what she considers to be a piece of art, the details are so intricate that they can only be overlooked by someone who sees' them every day. The men stop walking as to not mow over her in her distraction knowing if even a hair on her head is harmed Ambrose will surely have theirs as retribution.

Instead of the wild grass that occupied the area that precedes the gate, there is a pebbled stone that covers the entire ground Aya preferers the grass and wildflowers. 

The marketplace is not yet open to the public, however, Ambrose does not consider himself part of the general public so he decides now is the best time to come and collect some clothes for Aya; because if he had to see her naked on more time he would not be able to hold himself back from ravishing her. 

Ambrose begins to develop an aching head while Aya explores her surroundings with hungry eyes and he catches the male merchants' eyes greedily observing her. It is not uncommon for these men to have beautiful wives, though, Aya's is notably a different kind of beauty.

The man huffs as he enters one of the establishments owned by a man whose thirst does not escape him in the least, "Embry," he greets gruffly as his men post themselves strategically around the shop and his Aya continues to look at the rich colors. He takes the opportunity to rest his large hand on the small of her back. The merchant understands the silent warning in the action of his investor, therefore, he kept his eyes from meeting the woman's physic. 

Satisfied, Ambrose allows his lovely lady to roam the building as he has matters to discuss with Embry. He makes his way swiftly to the office after nodding to his men to keep an eye on Aya, "I am aware that your travels have taken you far," Ambrose begins before being interrupted by the lean man.

Embry smiles, "And yet I have never considered taking a foreign woman to be my compliment," he pauses for a minute, "perhaps I should reconsider... do you think she will be able to endure the cold seasons?" He is intrigued by it; taking wives from the lower regions is not practiced as the cold proves to be too much for them.

His investor narrows his eyes, "I will keep her warm. Besides If God did not think I was capable of caring for her, she would not have been made to be mine." With that said he pulls out the necklace, she wore when he found her, "what I require is much less daunting a task than keeping a wife. Find the origin of this necklace I need it back before my intended and I leave this shop today you are welcomed to take a detailed record of the piece as I know that you are more than capable of finding its birthplace," He hands the necklace to the man, "thank you in advance."


Aya's head rests against her intendeds chest and he carries her to what is probably the millionth shop, she is tired, but Ambrose says that is necessary she has things to wear beneath her attire.

 While all these items are extremely pleasant to look at she finds them excessive. She likes to spend her time naked in the rivers bathing in the sunlight. When they finally make it across the market Aya is excited because she is much closer to getting food to eat she can even smell the fresh fruits from the vendors.

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