Finding Recruits

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Cameron and Glimmer in the courtyard, Cameron was showing Glimmer how to use a blaster rifle. He had a target setup 30 feet away, but she only hit it once out of multiple shots.

Glimmer: Argh! I can't hit it!

Cameron: That's because you're rushing and not concentrating.

Glimmer: Why am I even learning to use this? I have powers!

Cameron: Yes you do, but the queen says to you run out of power and overdo things. So that's why you're learning to use the blaster.

Glimmer: Fine.

Glimmer holds the rifle up, aiming at the target.

Cameron: Now relax and focus.

Glimmer took a deep breath and fired. She managed to hit the target dead center.

Glimmer: I got it!

Cameron: Nice shot, kid.

Cameron gave her a high five congratulating her.

Glimmer: How's that?

Cameron: Good. But there's always room for improvement.

Glimmer: I know. But at least I'm getting better.

Cameron: True.

Glimmer looks at Cameron with a curious look.

Glimmer: Hey can I ask you a question?

Cameron: Sure what's on your mind?

Glimmer: You said you removed your chip way before the Order to turn on the Jedi happened. Why did you remove it?

Cameron looked down remembering the past. Glimmer noticed he looked upset.

Glimmer: I'm sorry if you don't want to talk about it then we ca-

Cameron: No no, it's fine. I don't a issue talking about it.

Glimmer: Ok.

Cameron: It was on our home planet of Kamino, one of our fellow clones was on the run. We were searching for him until I came across him. 


(On Kamino)

Cameron and Hotshot were walking down the hall passing by fellow clones. They observing the other clones thinking one of them may be Fives.

Hotshot: Can't believe it. First Tup kills General Tiplar, now Fives is on the run. What if he's part of what happened?

Cameron: Don't think like that. We don't know the full story. Look let's just him and get him to Shaak'Ti. 

The two come to a fork in the hall and look in both

Hotshot: Alright, I'll take the left, you go right. 

Cameron: Got it. Radio in if you find him.

Hotspot: Copy that.

The two split off heading off in the directions they deciding to go. After a few minutes, Cameron noticed a LZ droid and a trooper looking around and headed into a nearby room. Cameron made sure his weapon was set to stun and made his way to the room. He quickly entered it and raised his blaster.

Cameron: Don't move!

The two around in shock. The trooper helmet was off and Cameron noticed it was Fives.

Fives: Cameron.

Cameron slowly approached them.

Cameron: Fives, you have to come with me. Don't it worse than it already is.

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